
  1. 水煤浆气化炉的形式和新型气化炉的开发

    Mode of Coal-Water-Slurry gasifier and exploitation of new type gasifier

  2. 喷嘴入射角对新型气化炉冷态流场影响的试验研究

    Experimental Study Concerning the Influence of the Jet-nozzle 's Incidence Angle on the Cold State Flow Field of a New Type Gasifier

  3. 新型气化炉中试技术的成功为发展中国的大规模产业化的煤炭气化技术奠定了基础。

    The successful pilot test of the new type gasifier will be laid a foundation for to develop the large-scale coal gasification technology industrial in China .

  4. 新型气化炉装置渣水处理系统的问题探讨蒸汽疏水阀的选型在苯酐装置节能优化中的应用

    Probing the Problems Occurred in Waste Water Entrained Ash and Slag from New Type of Gasifier Application of Steam Trap Type Selection in Energy-Saving Optimal PA ( Phthalic Anhydride ) Device

  5. 通过研究煤新型气化炉内温度场的成因以及各因素对温度场的影响,获取了不同高度空间温度场的主控因素。

    This paper study the effect of various technical conditions in the novel coal gasification furnace on temperature and the formative causation of the temperature field , and find the primary factor of various height space temperature field .

  6. 新型秸秆气化炉及净化工艺

    A new straw gasification furnace and gas purifying process

  7. 关于新型煤炭气化炉技术及产业化战略的思考煤气化工艺和炉型的选择

    New Type Gasifier Technique and Its Industrial Strategy COAL GASIFICATION PROCESS AND THE GASIFIER TYPE SELECTION

  8. 一种带有产气热裂解装置的新型热解气化炉的实验研究

    An Experimental Analysis of a New Kind of Pyrolysis Gas Producer with a Raw Gas Thermal Cracking Device

  9. GMR控制系统在新型水煤浆气化炉中的应用

    Application of GMR Control System for New Type of Coal Water Slurry Gasifier

  10. 新型水煤浆气化炉内洗涤冷却管的温度分布

    Temperature Distribution in the Scrubbing-Cooling Tube of the New Type Coal Slurry Gasifier

  11. 喷嘴位置对新型水煤浆气化炉内流场的影响

    Effect of Nozzles ' Position on the Flow Field in a New Type Coal Water Slurry Gasifier

  12. 在新型水煤浆气化炉冷模试验台上进行了大量的实验研究,分析了气化炉喷嘴入射角对炉内流场分布的影响。

    Rules that govern the influence of the jet-nozzle 's incidence angle on the flow field , within a new type of coal water slurry ( CWS ) gasifier , are analyzed by using test results obtained on a relevant cold state test facility .