
  1. 一年一个新年节,一人一个新年梦。

    Everyone have a dream of happy new year .

  2. 因为不到一个星期就是世纪新年狂欢节了。

    Because the new year 's bash of the century is just a scant week away .

  3. 暴力冲突导致曼谷市政府取消了4月13日开始的泰国新年泼水节的官方庆祝活动。

    The violence led to the Bangkok city government to cancel official celebrations for the Thai New Year , the Songkran festival , which begins Tuesday .

  4. 春节或叫农历新年和中秋节等节日期间往返海峡两岸的直航包机有望变成常规飞行。

    Charter flights that shuttle across the strait during traditional festivals , such as Spring Festival or the Lunar New Year and Mid-Autumn festivals , are expected to become routine .

  5. 果酱甜甜圈(Jelly-filleddoughnuts)原产于德国,是一种在欢庆新年除夕与大斋节(Lent)前狂欢时吃的传统甜点(译注:大斋节,自圣灰星期天开始至复活节前的40天,在此期间进行斋戒和忏悔)。

    Jelly-filled doughnuts ( with no doughnut hole ) originated in Germany , where they were traditionally eaten to celebrate New Year 's Eve and the carnival days before Lent ( Rose Monday and Shrove Tuesday ) .

  6. 这只母狮子在收养这只小羚羊前还收养过两只分别在新年期间和情人节出生的小羚羊。

    She had previously adopted new born oryxes over New Year and on Valentine 's Day .

  7. 新年?傣族的新年不是泼水节嘛。

    The New Year ? Isn 't the Dai New Year also the Water-Splashing Festival ?