
  • 网络BAm
  1. 升降轨道ASAR雷达干涉揭示的巴姆地震(Mw6.5)3D同震形变场

    3D Co-seismic Deformation Field of the Bam Earthquake ( Mw6.5 ) from Ascending and Descending Pass ASAR Radar Interferometry

  2. 巴姆地震地表形变的差分雷达干涉测量

    BAM earthquake : surface deformation mea-surement using radar interferometry

  3. 最悲惨的事例是一个叫克里斯蒂巴姆的男子。

    The most harrowing case is that of Kristy Bamu .

  4. 联合国召开伊朗巴姆地震/摩洛哥地震救援总结大会

    On the Meeting of International Search Rescue Work of Bam / Iran Morocco Earthquakes

  5. 犹太人科斯巴姆住在这里吗?

    Does the Jew Kirschbaum live here ?

  6. 巴姆艾尔12年来一直是传统治疗师,或者被人们称为“巫师”。

    Bavumile has been a traditional healer , or a " sangoma , " for 12 years .

  7. 中国地震应急救援工作综述联合国召开伊朗巴姆地震/摩洛哥地震救援总结大会

    Summarization of Earthquake Emergency and Rescue in China On the Meeting of International Search Rescue Work of Bam / Iran Morocco Earthquakes

  8. 两年前,东南城市巴姆被一场6点7级的地震夷为平地,3万1千多人丧生。

    Two years ago , the southeastern city of Bam was leveled by a 6.7 magnitude quake that left more than 31-thousand dead .

  9. 看到一位骑自行车的人迂回穿行于滚滚车流,我不由得想起了巴姆,这是拥挤不堪的曼谷城唯一的机动灵活者。

    I think of Bam when I see a cyclist weaving through the traffic , a single mobile person in a gridlocked city .

  10. 构建具有柔性结构的防灾城市&由伊朗巴姆大地震引发的对当前城市防灾绿地建设中问题的思考

    Constructing Calamity-Proof Cities with " Flexible Structures ": Reflection on the Construction of Urban Calamity-Preventive Green Space Based on the Lessons Learned from Bam Earthquake

  11. 随着星期三全国选举与省选举最后结果的公布,南非选举委员会负责人布里加里娅.巴姆星期六表达了满意之情。

    The head of South Africa 's Electoral Commission , Brigalia Bam , Saturday expressed satisfaction as the final results were announced from Wednesday 's national and provincial elections .

  12. 本文从讨论系统业务、系统话务量出发,提出了一种正确使用爱尔兰&B公式(或巴姆表)确定集群系统中无线信道数的新方法。

    From the point of system service and traffic , the paper put forwards a new method to determine the radio channels for trunking system by using formula Ireland & B ;

  13. 据一位猩猩饲养员介绍,通过这种“人模人样”的走路方式,阿姆巴姆可以拿更多的食物,且在雨天不必弄湿了自己的双手。

    By using this man-like walking style , Ambam can carry more food and does not have to get his hands wet when it is raining , according to the gorilla 's keeper .

  14. 一种通常用在手术台上的止痛药物(商标是巴业和艾姆匹林);用来退热的药物。

    An analgesic anti-inflammatory drug ( trade names Bayer and Empirin ) usually taken in tablet form ; also used as an antipyretic .