
  1. 论新石器时代艺术的和谐乐观精神

    On the Harmonious and Optimistic Spirit of the Neolithic Art

  2. 于是,新石器时代艺术所表现的那种和谐乐观精神逐渐地演变为对于粗狂、狞戾之美的赞颂,对于怪异与丑陋的欣赏。

    Thereupon , the harmonious and optimistic spirit of the Neolithic art displayed was gradually turning into praises of roughness and ferocity as well as appreciation for monsters and ugliness .

  3. 排湾群诸族的人形造型已经形成了式样化、符号化的特征,其源头已经十分久远,具有全世界新石器时代人形造型艺术所具有的普遍性特征。

    The carvings of the families of Paiwan has already formed the style , the characteristics of the symbolic , which can be traced far back in time and has a universal characteristic of the carving art at Neolithic Age .

  4. 论中国新石器时代陶器的造型艺术

    On the Art of Chinese Pottery Molding in Neolithic Times