
  • 网络Sinhung-ni
  1. 苹果(纳斯达克:AAPL)能在中国这样的新兴市场里发掘巨大的增长是苹果的崛起中最迷人之处之一,尽管iPhone的售价高昂,(它还是做到了)。

    One of the most fascinating areas of Apple 's ( Nasdaq : AAPL ) rise is how the company has managed to find enormous growth in emerging markets like China despite the iPhone 's high selling cost .

  2. 在每一个新兴世界里,女性承担着绝大部分的家庭责任。

    In every emerging market women bear the lioness 's share of family responsibilities .

  3. 它与新兴市场里人们的特殊性格或行为模式毫无关系。

    They owe nothing to the particular character or behaviour of people who live in the emerging markets .

  4. 虽然这并不足以挽救世界经济,但这样的增速却能为改善商品价格奠定基础,同时也对新兴世界里的其他国家有所帮助。

    Although that is not enough to save the world economy , such growth in China would put a floor under commodity prices and help other countries in the emerging world .

  5. 根据国际货币基金组织的估算,新兴世界里的银行、企业以及政府今年的到期债务就有大约1万8千亿之众,其中很大一部分来自中东欧国家。

    According to the IMF , banks , firms and governments in the emerging world have some $ 1.8 trillion-worth of borrowing to roll over this year , much of that in central and eastern Europe .

  6. 在这个新兴的城市里,贫穷和富裕(两极)并列。

    Extremes of poverty and affluence meet in this mushrooming town .

  7. 在新兴经济体里,电子投票机很流行。

    Electronic voting machines are popular in emerging economies .

  8. 但在新兴市场国家里,财富对幸福感的影响更大,有76%的亚洲和拉丁美洲富人说财富给他们带来了快乐。

    But it had a greater happiness affect in emerging markets , with 76 % of Asians and Latin Americans saying wealth made them happy .

  9. 然而,在这个新兴的学科里,仍存有众多尚未解决的问题,亟待与海外优秀教学法进行互动互补。

    However , in this new subject , there are still many unsolved problems which urgently need mutual supplement and interaction with excellent overseas teaching methods .

  10. 中国东莞——方明华(音)在一家废弃家具厂的周围走着,指着曾经是上百名工人辛勤工作的厂房,工人们曾在那里用粗木板制造电视柜和衣柜,供应给中国及其他新兴经济国家里渴望成为中产阶级的人

    DONGGUAN , China - Walking around an abandoned furniture factory , Fang Minghua pointed out the workshops where several hundred employees once toiled , transforming sheets of raw wood into TV stands or wardrobes for the aspiring middle class in China and other emerging economies .