
cháo dōng
  • mockingbird;mocking thrush
嘲鸫[cháo dōng]
  1. 现在只有一些英国麻雀外加一只弯喙矢嘲鸫。

    Right now , only some English sparrows and a curved-bill thrasher .

  2. 有时被认为是鹪鹩科的一个亚科;嘲鸫;猫鹊;长尾鲛。

    Sometimes considered a subfamily of troglodytidae : mockingbirds ; catbirds ; thrashers .

  3. 嘲鸫在模仿他说话。

    The mocking-bird was mocking him .

  4. 你们应该知道,根据候鸟条约,收容矢嘲鸫是违反联邦法律的。

    You know that under the Migratory Bird Treaty it 's against federal law to contain a curved-bill thrasher .

  5. 一个短暂的春天,知更鸟和嘲鸫的啁啾余音缭绕;一个花果繁盛的夏天;一个金黄色的秋天——时光倏忽即逝,在一个如饥似渴、欣喜异常的幼儿脚下,季节留下了自己最后的礼物。

    One brief spring , musical with the song of robin and mocking-bird , one summer rich in fruit and roses , one autumn of gold and crimson sped by and left their gifts at the feet of an eager , delighted child .