
cháo fěng
  • taunt;sneer at;sarcasm;lampoon;dig;jibe
嘲讽 [cháo fěng]
  • [sneer at;taunt] 嘲弄讥讽

  • 唐代杜牧诗就是对这件事的嘲讽

嘲讽[cháo fěng]
  1. 请不要认为我没有耐力去面对考验,也不要嘲讽我太现实了。

    Please do not think I did not bear the dint faces the test , also doing not sneer at me too realistic .

  2. 但是争论仍旧在继续,一些受害者也曾经嘲讽过在被占领地的战俘营和集中营的人们。

    However , much controversy still remains as victims sneer at the pitiful settlements for their time in concentration camps and forced labor camps .

  3. 在采访中他好几次对他的对手粗俗地加以嘲讽。

    He made several cheap jibes at his opponent during the interview .

  4. 他的漫画毫不留情地嘲讽了他那个年代的政治人物。

    His cartoons mercilessly lampooned the politicians of his time .

  5. 这本书充满了萧伯纳独特的爱尔兰式幽默与嘲讽。

    This book is suffused with Shaw 's characteristic wry Irish humour

  6. 美国人总是动不动就嘲讽英国人。

    Americans are always quick to have a dig at the British

  7. 这里雪莱用的是通俗的嘲讽手法。

    The style Shelley is using here is that of popular lampoon .

  8. 现存体制是对司法的嘲讽。

    The present system is a mockery of justice .

  9. 他们发现叙述者只是一味地嘲讽。

    They find only irony in the narrator 's concern

  10. 他的车队遭到愤怒的当地居民的嘲讽。

    His motorcade was jeered by angry residents

  11. 塞巴斯蒂安叔叔过去常无情地嘲讽爸爸和妈妈,说他们只会生女儿。

    Uncle Sebastian used to tease Mother and Daddy unmercifully that all they could produce was girls .

  12. 她说一份周日的报纸上刊登的照片使她备受嘲讽。

    She said the picture that had appeared in a Sunday newspaper had held her up to ridicule

  13. 银行显然已经听厌了那些嘲讽其缺乏明确管理策略的风凉话。

    The bank is clearly fed up with the constant jibe that it has no clear management strategy .

  14. 她语气嘲讽地对他说话。

    She spoke to him with irony in her voice .

  15. 她的作品带有一丝嘲讽意味。

    Her writing contains a hint of irony .

  16. 成天受嘲讽是很令人泄气的。

    It 's very discouraging to be sneered at all the time .

  17. 他成了邻居们嘲讽的对象。

    He became a taunt to his neighbours .

  18. 她略带嘲讽地对他说话。

    She said to him with slight irony .

  19. 数据学家卡西克·拉姆认为,在有些情况下,资深的同事——他们中很多都是选拔和晋升委员会的负责人能嘲讽他们认为是浪费精力的事情时,初级研究员也就很难信奉开放精神了。

    In some cases , says data scientist Karthik Ram , it may be difficult for junior researchers to embrace openness when senior colleagues — many of whom head selection and promotion committees — might ridicule what they may view as misplaced energies .

  20. 这一视频引来一些Instagram用户的嘲讽,认为这种不正规的敬礼方式“有失总统风范”。

    The video drew ridicule5 from some Instagram users , who saw the unorthodox salute as " un-presidential . "

  21. 另外,还有一些嘲讽和规劝的声音

    Moreover , but also has some taunts and the admonishment sound .

  22. 她脸上有一种嘲讽的表情。

    There was a sardonic expression on her face .

  23. 他们大声地嘲讽他

    They shouted jeers at him .

  24. (这是是在嘲讽美国的健康医疗体系)我现在住在马塞诸塞州,在那里我们有UniversalHealthCare(某种医疗保险)。

    I live in Massachusetts now , where we have Universal Health Care .

  25. 不支持继承的语言(如VisualBasic)被嘲讽是“玩具语言”,不适合真正的工作。

    Languages that do not support inheritance , such as Visual Basic , are derided for being " toy languages ," unsuited to real work .

  26. 这张专辑里不乏表达愤怒的歌曲,比如“Money,Power,Glory”,在这首歌里,德蕾嘲讽了那些模仿她的人,并且故意给评论家留下了话头;

    There are angry songs , such as Money , Power , Glory , mocking her imitators and knowingly feeding into her critics .

  27. 苹果(Apple)上周推出其大屏iPhone之后不久,亚洲对手们便在Twitter上发言取笑,嘲讽苹果在捕捉行业趋势上慢半拍。

    Soon after Apple launched its larger-screen iPhones last week , rivals in Asia sent mocking messages on Twitter , taunting it for being slow to catch up with the industry trend .

  28. 在他承认错误后的六天时间里,他在网上遭到了无情嘲笑,Twitter用户纷纷嘲讽,热衷探究真相的网友则调查了他过去的报道。

    In the six days since he admitted his mistake , he was pilloried relentlessly online , with Twitter feeds mocking him and amateur truth squads investigating his past reporting .

  29. Twitter上的一幅漫画嘲讽天然气储量丰富的卡塔尔,漫画中,被罢黜的穆尔西在众人向他扔鞋之际,狼狈跑向卡塔尔航空(QatarAirways)航班。

    The gas-rich emirate is pilloried on Twitter in a caricature showing the deposed Mr Morsi scurrying towards a Qatar Airways flight under a fusillade of shoes .

  30. 当泰勒的热单《IKnewYouWereTrouble》获得VMA最佳女歌手录影带这一奖时,泰勒还嘲讽过哈里,大家都认为这首歌应该是写给哈里的。

    Accepting her VMA award for best female video for I Knew You Were Trouble , Taylor appeared to make a jibe at Harry - whom the song is believed to be about .