
  • 网络missa;the mass
  1. 他创作了教堂乐曲,其中包括《BI小调弥撒曲》。

    He composed church music , including " Mass in BI minor " .

  2. 莫扎特的《第十二弥撒曲》,尤其是其中的《荣耀颂》。

    Mozart 's twelfth mass : the Gloria in that .

  3. 那个…D小调短弥撒曲是谁写的?

    Okay ... who wrote Missa Brevis in D minor ?

  4. 塔佛纳,约翰:英国作曲家和风琴演奏家,以弥撒曲和圣歌闻名。

    British composer and organist best known for his Masses and motets .

  5. 大调为人声4,合唱队,双簧管2,弦乐组和通奏低音而作的弥撒曲。

    Mass for4 voices , chorus , 2 oboes , strings & continuo in G major .

  6. 他们排演了19世纪浪漫派作曲家柏辽兹著名的弥撒曲。

    Together , they all performed the monumental " Requiem " by 19th century Romantic composer Hector Berlioz .

  7. 第三章,详细论述贝多芬晚期作品中赋格的应用。主要体现在晚期的钢琴奏鸣曲、弦乐四重奏、交响乐以及庄严弥撒曲等作品中。

    The third chapter details fugue in his late works , which mainly reflects in late piano sonatas , string quartets , symphony and solemn works .

  8. 在死亡缓缓而来,清晰可见的时候,建筑终于成为奏出弥撒之曲的一个圣所。

    As getting closer and closer to the death , he finally makes his architecture the Sanctuary , which can play the song of Mass .