
  • 网络Mihe River
  1. 探讨山东省弥河流域农用地土壤重金属含量及其影响因素。

    The study aimed to discuss the heavy metal content in agricultural soil in Mihe basin of Shandong Province and its influencing factors .

  2. 恢复了弥河的3条晚更新世古河道主流带、6条早、中全新世古河道和5条历史时期的弥河故道,并探讨了其特征。

    The 3 Late Pleistocene palaeochannels belts , the 6 Early and Middle Holocene palaeochannels and the 5 old channels in historical stage have been studied .

  3. 弥苴河水质的好坏,决定了洱海的水质。

    The water quality of Mi Ju River determines the water quality of Erhai Lake .

  4. 弥苴河是洱海重要的来水河,占洱海流域面积的60%,占洱海总入水量的51%。

    Mi Ju River is the most important tributary of Erhai Lake , its drainage area accounts for 60 % of Erhai Lake basin area , water accounts for the water inflow in Erhai 51 % of the total .