
gàn xiào
  • cadre school;school for cadres
干校 [gàn xiào]
  • [school for cadres] 干部学校。也特指文革中按照五.七指示精神建立起来的、接收干部和知识分子劳动改造的农场,亦称五.七干校

  • 关了三年牛棚,住了七年干校。--《结婚现场会》

干校[gàn xiào]
  1. 本文的研究对象是以散文创作为主的五七干校文学。

    The research object of this text is " WuQi cadre school " literature , which mainly in prose creation .

  2. 论文首先对五七干校的创建、发展、繁盛、衰落的这段历史进行追溯,并界定五七干校文学的一些基本概念。

    Firstly , the text traces back to the history of creation 、 development 、 prosperity 、 decline about " five seven cadre school ", and defines some basic concepts of " WuQi cadre school " literature .

  3. 大口径多声道超声流量计的干校验法检定

    Dry Calibration Method for Large-Size Multi-Channel Ultrasonic Flow Meters

  4. 潜在写作是个多层次的文学形态,它还包括郭小川在干校里创作的诗歌;

    Potential writing is a literature entity which takes a shape of various levels .

  5. 陕甘宁边区干校教育模式的基本特点及其意义

    Fundamental Characteristics of the Mode of Training of the Cadre School in Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia Border Regions

  6. 杨绛写完《干校六记》,把稿子给我看了一遍。

    Having finished A Cadre School Life : Six Chapters , Yang Jiang sent me the script .

  7. 第二章至第四章梳理了五·七干校的演变历程,将其划分为三个阶段。

    Chapter two to four elaborate the development of the May Seventh Cadre Schools and divide it into three stages .

  8. 总之,五·七干校根本不是新生事物,对它应予否定,并应从中吸取教训。

    On all accounts , the May Seventh Cadre Schools is not in the least the newly emerging thing . It should be denied and be drawn the lesson from .

  9. 学校都停课了,他的父母被送到不同的干校去接受再教育,留下他和他的三个弟弟,他们的生活基本上只能自己来料理。

    Schools were shut down and his parents were sent away to separate work camps to be ' re-educated , ' leaving him and his three young brothers to fend largely for themselves .

  10. 《干校六记》与杨绛的大部分作品一样,都保持着一种清新,简单而低调的风格。其实这也是这部作品能够广泛传播的原因之一。

    Actually like most of her works , Gan Xiao Liu Ji is written in a simple and low-key style and this is part of the reason why it can be spread in the public .