
gān liang
  • solid food;solid food (prepared for a journey);field rations;padkos;rations for a journey
干粮 [gān liáng]
  • [solid food (prepared for a journey)] 干的食品。一般指事先做好供外出路上食用的主食,如馒头烙饼等

干粮[gān liang]
  1. 并且成了那必须吃奶,不能吃干粮的人。

    You need milk , not solid food !

  2. 惟独长大成人的,才能吃干粮,他们的心窍,习练得通达,就能分辨好歹了。

    But solid food is for the mature , who by constant use have trained themselves to distinguish good from evil .

  3. 我带了干粮来,我们吃午饭吧。

    I have some foods . It 's time for lunch .

  4. 你把干粮袋捡起来,我来搜他的口袋。

    You take the haversack , I 'll search his pockets .

  5. 宠物干粮食品辐照杀菌工艺参数的确定

    Irradiation parameters for the control of microorganisms in dried pet foods

  6. 爬山的人把干粮打成包背在背上。

    The climber carried some food in a pack on his back .

  7. 拿了我准备的干粮了吗?拿了。

    You 've got the food I prepared for you ? Yes .

  8. 干粮所剩无几,水缸已经空了。

    The food supply is almost gone , the water urn is empty .

  9. 行军干粮被存放在防水的盒子里。

    Marching rations are stored away in waterproof boxes .

  10. 明天郊游,请自带干粮。粮食晒干才能入仓。

    Bring your own food on tomorrow 's outing .

  11. 我确信没人愿意吃干粮喝雨水。

    I am sure nobody will enjoy eating dry food and drinking rainwater .

  12. 徒步者必须带很多脱水干粮。

    Hikers have to carry lots of dried food .

  13. 驮马探险队用驮马运载干粮和帐篷越过了这些崇山峻岭。

    The expedition used packhorses to carry their food and tents across the mountains .

  14. 干粮肯定没有普通的食物美味。

    It 's certain that dried food isn 't as tasty as common food .

  15. 他们住在帐篷里,吃着干粮,用热水洗澡。

    They lived in tents , ate dried food , and took baths with heated water .

  16. 有人说,重阳糕就曾经是当年发给三军士兵的一种干粮。

    It is said that the Double-Ninth cakes were supplied to the armies as army provisions .

  17. 这是武器和干粮

    Your weapon and some provisions .

  18. 如果使用罐装干粮,可将欧芹剁碎,方便拌入。

    If you use canned with dried foods , chopped fresh parsley is easy to mix in .

  19. 随身带着一大堆干粮、氧气瓶、笨重的衣服,那多累人啊!

    It is very tired to carry a lot of food , oxygen bottle and thick clothes .

  20. 内有饮水、备有新电池的手电筒及干粮。

    These kits should include drinking water , a flashlight with fresh batteries , and dry food .

  21. 饱带干粮,晴带雨伞,点滴积累,水到渠成。

    Fill with dry food , Daiyu San clear , accumulated bit by bit , and conditions are ripe .

  22. 干粮,应该是非常有限的,但如果你做你的猫饲料干粮,尝试的粮食品种。

    Dry food should be very limited but if you do feed dry food to your cat , try a grain-free variety .

  23. 那时候,人走累了,干粮也吃完了,想找个寨子歇歇,偏偏这一带没有人家。

    At that time I was all too weary and ran out of my food , yearning for a house to rest .

  24. 只有长成的人,才能吃干粮,他们的官能因习用而受了操练,就能分辨好坏了。

    But solid food is for the full-grown , who because of practice have their faculties exercised for discriminating between both good and evil .

  25. 他必须稳稳当当的快到城里,因为他身上没有一个钱,没有一点干粮,不能再多耗时间。

    He must move on steadily to the city and not waste any time , as he had neither money nor food on him .

  26. 我们临走的时候他们还给我们塞了很多干粮,让我们路上吃,告诉我们如果吃不了就带给前方重灾区的灾民。

    They gave us some food before we left , telling us to eat on the way and share with the victims if we see any .

  27. 他们只有足够两天的食品了,如果天气不好转的话,他们将只得动用备急用的军用干粮了。

    They had sufficient food for only two more days and if the weather didn 't improve they would have to draw upon their emergency rations .

  28. 政府已经把现金、大米和干粮分配给了受灾群众,但是媒体报道说救灾物资远远不能满足受灾群众的需求。

    The government has allocated cash money , rice and dry food among the victims , but local media reported that the relief goods are too scanty to meet the needs .

  29. 脱粒后的粟谷又可再加工成小米,除了一般焖饭、煮粥等直接食用外,小米还可制成各种干粮,也是酿酒作醋的重要原料。

    Can be further processed into Setaria italica Beauv * In addition to the general stew rice , porridge and other direct consumption , the Setaria italica Beauv . can also be made into a variety of field rations . It is also important raw material for wine and vinegar .