
  • 网络china food additive;chinese food additives
  1. 发展食品添加剂工业,推动食品工业技术创新&在中国食品添加剂和食品配料行业百强企业授牌仪式上的讲话

    Develop Food Additive Industry , Promote the Technical Innovation in Food Industry & Speech at the conference of top 100 companies in China food additive and ingredient industry

  2. 中国食品添加剂代表团于2001年11月5日-7日在英国伦敦参加了欧洲食品配料展览会。该展会是世界公认的食品添加剂和食品配料行业最大的、贸易效果最好的专业展览会。

    FIE is the largest and the most effective FI Fair in the world . China Food Additive Delegation composed of twenty-three companies with forty-seven people took part in FIE 2001 from 5 to 7 November in London .

  3. 食品添加剂的生产将全面实行生产许可证管理&国家质检总局食品添加剂市场准入和监管工作研讨会在沈阳召开由审查部和中国食品添加剂协会共同牵头制定相关细则和标准

    Workshop on Food Additive Market Admission and Supervision held in Beijing

  4. 中国食品添加剂的发展现状及使用中存在的问题

    Development of food additives in China and problems related to their use

  5. 中国食品添加剂标准、法规和审批程序

    Standards , Regulations & Approval Procedures for Food Additives Used in China

  6. 中国食品添加剂发展现状和趋势浅析

    Developing situation and trend analysis of the Chinese food additives

  7. 中国食品添加剂产业十年

    10 years'progress of the Chinese food additive industry

  8. 2003年~2004年中国食品添加剂监测结果与分析

    Analysis of Results of Surveillance on Use of Food Additives in China during 2003 ~ 2004

  9. 坚持科学发展观,推动食品添加剂和食品配料行业健康有序发展&中国食品添加剂生产应用工业协会第三届二次理事(扩大)会在上海隆重召开

    3 ~ ( rd ) Session of the 2 ~ ( nd ) Enlarged Council Meeting of CFAA was held in Shanghai

  10. 努力提高食品添加剂和配料行业科技创新水平,为促进和谐社会的发展做出贡献&中国食品添加剂生产应用工业协会第三届二次会员代表大会在上海隆重召开

    Make efforts to boost technical innovation in food additives and ingredients industry and contribute to advancement of harmonious society & The second session of the third member congress of CFAA was grandly opened in Shanghai

  11. 中国天然食品添加剂工业的现状及发展

    The Present Situation and Development of Chinese Natural Food Additive Industry

  12. 中国常用食品添加剂毒理学数据库研究

    Study on the Toxicological Database of Main Food Additives Used in China

  13. 2004年中国生物食品添加剂及配料产业实现工业产值约560亿元,占食品工业总产值的3·5%,总产量已突破1000万t,一批主要产品的生产规模和技术水平居世界前列。

    The total revenue of Chinese bio-food additive and ingredients reaches about 56 Billion RMB , which is about 3 % of the total production of Chinese food industry . With 10 million tons production , the capacity and technical level of main products list top position in the world .

  14. 专家称,中国检测作为食品添加剂的成分是否安全还有一个漫长和严格的过程。

    Experts say China has lengthy and strict procedures to test whether ingredient are safe to use as additives .

  15. 中国食品加工和食品添加剂工业的发展现状及前景

    The Development and Prospect of China Food Processing and Food Additives Industry

  16. 中国出口美国的食品添加剂被查出含有有害的化学物质三聚氰胺,这成为了美国历史上最大的食品召回事件之一。

    The shipments of pet food ingredients , contaminated by the chemical melamine , set off one of the largest pet food recalls in United States history .