
zhōnɡ xī wén huà
  • Chinese and Western civilizations/culture
  1. 这种中西文化的对话和沟通,说明建立中国特色的成功学和成功人生评价体系不但具备丰厚的哲学储备,而且愈益时不我待,刻不容缓,尤其在中国加入WTO以后。

    The link between Chinese and Western culture proves that to establish the theory of success with Chinese characteristics and the system of evaluating successful life is not only provided with reserves of philosophy , but also brooks no delay , esp. after China enters WTO .

  2. 作为一个在传统与现代边缘寻求平衡的作家,他的精神分析小说以对中西文化的思考为视角;着眼于Eros(爱欲)和Grotesque(荒诞)来观照个体的内在现实(Insidereality)。

    As a writer who sought the balance between the tradition and the modern edges , his psycho-analysis novels think the cultural of East and West as its visual angel and focus on the Eros and Grotesque in order to observe individual inside reality .

  3. 首先,它从两个英语单词anthology和florilegium出发,提出了一个问题,即为什么在中西文化中花往往成为精华的隐喻。

    First , in light of the two English words anthology and florilegium , it brings up the issue why the flower is prone to become a metaphor for essence in Chinese and Western culture .

  4. 颜色与中西文化

    Color and the distinctions between the Chinese and the western culture

  5. 澳门和中西文化交流及汉学的形成

    Macao , Culture Communion Between China and West and the Sinology

  6. 同时《现代评论》也受到传统文化的内在影响,中西文化的冲突和融合在《现代评论》身上均有所体现。

    Meanwhile , Modern Critique was influenced by traditional culture interiorly .

  7. 岳阳楼英语导游与中西文化理解的差异

    Yueyang Tower for English tour guide and understanding of cultural differences

  8. 试论中西文化中颜色词语的象征意义

    On the Symbols of Colour Words in Chinese and Western Culture

  9. 从时间观角度剖析不同文化单向记时制与多向记时制:中西文化时间观差异

    Mono-chronic and Poly-chronic : Temporal Difference between Chinese and Western Cultures

  10. 中西文化的冲突与应对

    The Conflict of Chinese Culture and Western Culture and the Countermeasures

  11. 从中西文化差异的角度看翻译等值的限度

    On Limitation of Translation Equivalence & from a Cultural Perspective

  12. 中西文化对比在英语学习中的作用

    Analysis of the Role of Cultural Contrast in English Learning

  13. 论李安电影的中西文化认同

    On the Culture Identity between Chinese and Western in Ang 's Movies

  14. 词汇联想意义中的中西文化异同

    The Culture Similarities and Differences Reflected by the Associative Meanings of Lexicon

  15. 论近代中西文化交流的历史特点

    On the Historical Characteristics of the Sino-Occidental Cultural Communication in Modern Times

  16. 中西文化差异在广告语中的体现

    Different Culture between China and Western Countries in Advertising Words

  17. 实践范式与中西文化深层比较

    Practice Model & A Comparison of Chinese and Western Cultures

  18. 试论中西文化差异对篇章阅读的影响

    Effect of the Cultural Diversity Between Chinese and English on Discourse Reading

  19. 常用词语联想意义的中西文化比较

    Comparison of lexical image between Chinese and western culture

  20. 从耶稣会士看澳门在中西文化交流中的地位和作用

    The Jesuits : Macao 's Position and Role in the Sino-Occidental Cultural Exchanges

  21. 中西文化冲突说;

    2 , The Chinese and Western cultural conflict ;

  22. 中西文化差异的发轫处

    The Essential Culture Difference Between the East and west

  23. 中西文化比较与中国特色现代化

    Modernization of Chinese characteristics and the comparision between Chinese culture and western culture

  24. 它体现了近代中国中西文化的冲突与融合。

    It has reflected the conflict and integration of Chinese and Western culture .

  25. 中西文化差异视角下的广告语设计

    The Design of Advertising Language from Sino-Western Cultural Perspective

  26. 中西文化心理对礼貌语及行为选择的影响

    The Impact of Chinese and Western Psychological Cultures on the Choice of Politeness

  27. 颜色在中西文化中的联想及翻译

    Association and Translation of Different Colors in Chinese-Western cultures

  28. 与上一代激进反传统的知识分子不同,他们从中西文化调和的理念出发,对传统文化表现出了兼收并蓄的理性态度。

    Distinct from the old generation , they assimilated rationally the traditional culture .

  29. 积极传播中西文化,增进相互沟通了解。

    To spread eastern and western culture , promote mutual link and understanding .

  30. 全球化视角下的中西文化之价值认同从色彩学看中西文化意蕴

    The Evaluating Coincidence of Chinese Culture and Western Culture from the View-point of Globalization