
cān zhàn
  • enter a war;participate in a war;take part in a war
参战 [cān zhàn]
  • [enter a war;take part in a war] 加入战争或战斗

参战[cān zhàn]
  1. 现代高科技战争呈现出的新模式和新特点引发了新的伦理问题,从而对参战医护人员的道德心理构建提出了更高要求。

    The new pattern and new characteristics of high-tech war cause new ethical problems , thus setting higher requirements on the moral psychology construction of the medical staff who enter a war .

  2. 1915年,意大利加入协约国参战。

    Italy joined the war on the Allied side in 1915 .

  3. 至少有17个非正规军部队参战。

    At least 17 different irregular units are engaged in the war .

  4. 甚至他的参战履历也是夸大其词,充满谎言。

    Even his war record was fraudulently inflated .

  5. 我从未暗示过联合国部队实际上能够将该地区各参战方隔离开。

    I have never suggested that UN forces could physically separate the combatants in the region

  6. 虽然他的精神病刚好在他参战期间发作,但并不是由此引起的。

    Although his mental illness had coincided with his war service it had not been caused by it

  7. 美国退伍军人事务部数据显示,一项对越战老兵的研究发现,52%患有创伤后应激障碍的参战老兵经常做噩梦,而普通人只有3%。

    And a study of Vietnam veterans found that 52 percent of combat vets6 with post traumatic stress disorder ( PTSD ) had nightmares fairly often , compared to only 3 percent of civilians7 , according to the U.S. Department Of Veterans Affairs .

  8. 据《中国日报》(ChinaDaily)报道,有3名参战民警负伤,其中两名民警身负枪伤,另一民警腿部被毒犯开车撞致粉碎性骨折,目前均在广州某医院治疗康复中。

    China Daily reported that two police officers were shot and one sustained a broken leg after being hit by a car driven by the drug traffickers . All three are recovering at a hospital in Guangzhou , it added .

  9. 然而,事实却并非如此。多数美国人都不愿参战,使得乔治·华盛顿将军(GeneralGeorgeWashington)上书要求首届联邦政府进行入伍征召。

    However , the truth is that there were very few truly committed volunteer soldiers in the war , so much so that General George Washington actually wanted the first United States government to conscript soldiers .

  10. 据说,《星球大战》在伊拉克的首映是1980年3月在萨达姆·侯赛因阿拉伯复兴社会党(BaathParty)总部的一次私人活动上。六个月后,两伊战争爆发,15岁的乌代参战。

    is believed to have been held at a private event at Saddam Hussein 's Baath Party headquarters in March 1980 , six months before the start of the Iran-Iraq war , and the 15-year-old Uday attended .

  11. 北约(NATO)欧洲盟军最高司令、美国空军上将菲利普•布里德洛夫(PhilipBreedlove)上周四在威尔士举行的一个峰会上表示,北约将正面迎战在乌克兰境内参战的俄军部队。

    General Philip Breedlove , Nato supreme allied commander in Europe , said the alliance would take head on the engagement of Russian troops in Ukraine at a summit in Wales on Thursday .

  12. 第5天:我仍然没有见到Zerf,也许他真的参战了。

    Day5 : I still haven 't seen Zerf , maybe he did go to war .

  13. 经典的Lanchester战斗模型及其改进一般基于具有黑箱性质的平均域方法,无法明确描述战斗中各参战单元之间的局部交战关系。

    The Lanchester model and its improvements which are " black-box " based on mean-field theories can not represent the local duel relationship between units of opposing forces in combat explicitly .

  14. 哈里王子将不被允许前往阿富汗参战;

    Prince Harry Not to Be Allowed from Fighting in Afghanistan ;

  15. 其他的不是参战就是跑掉了。

    The others went off to the war or runned away .

  16. 现代战争中,平民同士兵一样要参战。

    Civilians as well as soldiers take part in modern warfare .

  17. 我们已被告知不太可能参战。

    We 've been told we 're unlikely to see action .

  18. 这里的人会参战吗?

    And the people here are gonna join in that fight ?

  19. 可他必须回去参战

    but then he had to go back to the war ...

  20. 不是那一段而是那段关于参战的

    Not that part . The part about going to war .

  21. 他是个好小伙子志愿去波斯湾参战

    He 's a good kid . Persian Gulf , volunteered .

  22. 他们的参战改变了整个局势。

    Their entry into the war changed the whole situation .

  23. 我忘了太阳是怎样参战的了。

    I forget where the sun joins in this fight .

  24. 他的参战经历成了他的敌人攻击的目标。

    His war record become a target for his enemies .

  25. 他在谈论去和英国人一起参战。

    He 's talking of going off to fight with the english .

  26. 他们到一九一七年四月十九日才参战。

    They did not enter the war until April 19,1917 .

  27. 在上次战争中他在北非战役参战。

    He fought in the N African campaign during the last war .

  28. 参战者财大气粗,经得起损失。

    The combatants have deep pockets and much to lose .

  29. 你为何参战打鹿尼族?

    Why you want to make war on the pawnee .

  30. 作为一名军官,一战期间他前往法国参战。

    He went to France during World War I as a captain .