
  1. 综述了测绘工作中常用的几类大地坐标系的建立方法,全面介绍了我国参心坐标系、地心坐标系和世界地心坐标系的发展及其现状。

    It gives a whole view of the development and status of geocentric coordinate system , ellipse-centered coordinate system and world geodetic system in China .

  2. 在介绍了参心坐标系和地心坐标系相关概念的基础上,对大地空间直角坐标参考系变换模型做了系统的总结,讨论了布尔莎模型和莫洛金斯基模型。

    The reference-ellipsoid-centric coordinate system and the geocentric coordinate system are introduced . After concluding transformation model between the geodetic rectangular space coordinate systems , the Bursa model and Molodensky model are discussed .

  3. 随着空间测量技术的普及和精度的进一步提高,传统大地测量工作发生了质的变化,促使大地坐标系由参心坐标系向地心坐标系转化。

    Traditional geodetic survey has changed greatly with popularization of spacial survey technology and further improvement of precision . Geodetic coordinate system has transformed from reference ellipsoid centric coordinate system ( RECCS ) to geocentric coordinate system because of the change .

  4. 针对这个问题,通过建立参心空间直角坐标系和归一化采样间隔的方法对多传感器数据进行了空间统一和时间统一,解决了多传感器目标跟踪的基础问题。

    Aiming at this problem , the equations for spatial-temporal data unification are presented , which are got by building referenced earth center space coordinate system and unifying sampling interval . And the basic problem of multi-sensor target tracking is solved .