
  • 网络translation parameter;shift
  1. 利用四元数表达计算出旋转参数R和平移参数t,完成配准工作。

    The run time is shorten as well . Adopting quaternion expression , this paper has computed the rotation parameter R and the translation parameter t to realized registration .

  2. 用局部区域的GPS网数据求解的3维坐标变换模型的转换参数时,求得的转换参数特别是平移参数的精度较差。

    If the transformation parameters are solved with the GPS data in a small area , the precision of transformation parameters may be very poor , especially the translation parameters .

  3. 在寻找最优的旋转和平移参数时,采用了无需计算梯度的Powell直接搜索算法和Brent算法。

    Powell algorithm , which does not compute gradients , and Brent algorithm were used to search the optimal rotation and translation parameters .

  4. 算法第二阶段运用谱对消技术确定亚像素平移参数。

    In the second phase , the spectrum cancellation is used to determine subpixel translated parameters .

  5. 基于包含率和旋转平移参数一致性的指纹视频识别。

    Fingerprint video verification using " Inclusion Ratio " and " Consistence of the Rotation and Translation Parameters " .

  6. 为减少求解相位相关带来的运算量负担,本文提出了一种快速四参数运动估计算法:首先进行图像幅度谱对数极坐标变换,把旋转、缩放参数降维成平移参数估计;

    To reduce the computational complex of phase correlation , a new fast algorithm based on four parameter affine model is proposed .

  7. 对一对待匹配指纹视频进行预处理和对齐之后,获取每一对待匹配指纹图像匹配成功的细节点集合和旋转平移参数。

    After preprocessing and aligning of a pair of matching fingerprint video , we acquire the matched minutia sets and the rotation and translation parameters .

  8. 比对过程中首先根据两个集合中的全等三角形求出它们的旋转和平移参数,然后对根据参数进行转换后的特征集合进行点模式匹配。

    In the matching process the parameters of rotation and displacement were obtained by two congruent triangles , then the point-pairs matching would be performed on the transformed sets .

  9. 所要寻找的小区域中心点在待配准图像中的位置即为所要估计的平移参数,二维脉冲信号中脉冲的位置与缩放因子和旋转角度有关,由此而得到图像配准参数。

    The coordinate of the selected patch centre on the float image corresponds to the translated parameter exactly . And the impulse location can determine the scaled and rotated factors .

  10. 本文对利用旋转平移参数一致性选取多参考点对的有效性进行了验证,并初步尝试使用加权统计的融合策略,综合利用得到的多个匹配细节点对集合的信息。

    Experiments verify the effectiveness of that select multi-reference points using TCRP . We utilized information of multiple set of minutiae pairs matched with the weighted fusion strategy to get match score .

  11. 然后将按求得的旋转角度反向旋转回去,仅对未受混叠影响的信号低频部分运用相位相关方法进行平移参数估计,分两步得到图像配准参数。

    Then reverse the rotation angle which obtained by rotation parameter estimation , we use phase correlation method for shift parameter estimation only based on aliasing-free parts . We obtain image registration parameters in two steps .

  12. 首先通过最小包围矩形确定缩放参数,再结合二者的质心和主方向确定旋转、平移参数实现粗配准,然后用奇异值分解-迭代最近点算法进行精配准。

    After determined the scaling parameter by minimum bounding rectangle , the rough registration is obtained by determining rotation and translation parameters combined with the mass center and main direction , and then the refined registration is obtained by singular value decomposition and iterative closest point ( SVD-ICP ) algorithm .

  13. 本文讨论了Bursa模型、Molodensky模型平移量参数的不同几何意义;

    This paper analyses the different geometric senses between the three shift parameters determined by Bursa model and Molodensky model .

  14. 最后计算得出连续帧图像旋转、缩放、平移配准参数,则可较好地解决此问题。

    Lastly , calculate the registration parameters of sequential images including rotating , scaling and translation .

  15. 而当垂直度误差不可以忽略时,对模型参数矩阵进行奇异值分解,证明了磁强计的输出在笛卡尔坐标系中的坐标在椭球面上,并给出平移误差参数的近似求法。

    Otherwise , the singular value decomposition is used to decompose the parameters matrix . It is proved that the readings of magnetometer are on an ellipsoid when they lie in Cartesian coordinates .

  16. 利用单目图像序列中连续三帧图像中的两条直线的直线光流,通过解这个线性方程组重建带直线特征的三维刚体的旋转运动参数、平移运动参数和空间直线结构。

    Using the two group of optical flow of two lines in successive frames of a monocular image sequence , this paper can solve the equations set to reconstruct the rotational components , translational components and 3D structure of a rigid .

  17. 定义仪器中心为测量坐标系原点,椭圆圆心为椭圆坐标系原点.在测量坐标系内,根据多个观测点坐标拟合椭圆方程,得到椭圆相对测量系统的平移旋转参数。

    With the instrument center defined as the origin of measurement coordinate system and the ellipse center as the origin of ellipse coordinate system , ellipse equation is obtained by fitting the coordinates of observed points on the constructure in measurement system .

  18. 加速幂法收敛的原点平移法,参数P现在还没有一种固定的选取方法。

    There isn 't a fixed way to choose parameter P in inverse Point transla-tion method which can accelerate the convergence in power method .

  19. vanderwaals型立方状态方程的改进&Ⅱ体积平移及多参数方程

    Modifications of the Van der Waals & Type Equation of State Volume Translation and Multiparameter Eos

  20. 根据计算机视觉成像原理,利用三维点到二维点的投影关系,可以计算出摄像机相对世界坐标系的平移和旋转参数。

    Using the relationship of the projective transformation between 3d points and 2d points , the translation and the rotation angle can be computed .

  21. 一种是基于傅里叶变换相移特征的运动分析方法,它能够准确地估计出运动目标的平移和旋转参数矢量。

    One is the motion analysis based on phase difference of Fourier transform . It can accurately estimate the motion vector of object by identifying the displacement and rotation between two similar images . The paper proposed some improved methods to estimate motion parameters based on traditional phase correlation method .

  22. 根据多CPU系统的并行结构和神经网络本身并行性的特点,设计了用于图象目标识别的Gabor小波神经网络算法,算法的输入层包括Gabor小波尺度、平移和频率调制参数的运算;

    According to the characteristics of multi-CPU parallel structure and neural network parallel , the algorithm for recognizing image target was designed based on the Gabor wavelet neural network .

  23. 新型三平移并联机构结构参数优化的研究

    Research on the Structural Parameters Optimization of a New 3-DOF Translational Parallel Mechanism

  24. 粒子群优化算法对选择最优的a0平移值和α参数有很好的优势。

    Particle Swarm Optimization is better than other method in choosing the best a0 and parameter α .

  25. 提出一种基于图像配准技术测量移动平台二维平移、旋转等参数的视觉测量方法。

    A new vision measurement method based on image registration , which is used to measure 2-dimensional translation and rotation parameters of moving platform , is proposed .