
  • 【电工】average magnetic field
  1. 当脉动幅度与平均磁场强度之比为有限值时,在一般情况下,控制方程中的非线性项不能略去,因而不能用WKB解来描述有限振幅脉动幅度的径向变化。

    When the amplitude of the fluctuation is finite with respect to the average magnetic field intensity , the nonlinear terms in the garvening equations can not be droped and the WKB aproxima-tion fails .

  2. 全群的平均磁场强度约为2000高斯,在几个主黑子中测量到最大磁场为3300高斯。

    The average magnetic field intensity of the total group was about 2000 gauss and the maximum magnetic field intensity measured in some main spots was 3300 gauss .

  3. 表面极化子光学声子平均数的磁场和温度依赖性

    Magnetic Field and Temperature Dependence of the Mean Number of Optical Phonons of Surface Polaron

  4. 在室温下,该合金的穆斯堡尔谱可以分解为八套亚谱,其中7个铁磁性亚谱属于合金中脱溶的α1相,它的平均超精细磁场约为309kOe;

    The room temperature Mssbauer spectrum of this alloy consists of seven ferromagnetic and one paramagnetic sextet superposition . The seven ferromagnetic spectra belong to α 1 phase in the alloy , the magnitude of their internal magnetic field is 309 kOe .

  5. 箱内中央空间的高度为43.0cm时,55%、35%和10%的位点剩余磁场分别平均为地磁场的1.9%、2.3%和3.3%。

    When the height of the middle space of the box is expanded to 43.0 cm , the remanent magnetic-field intensities at 55 % , 35 % and 10 % of the measuring points are 1.9 % , 2.3 % and 3.3 % of the geomagnetic field intensity , respectively .