
  • 网络tablet computer;Tablet PC;Panel PC
  1. 对于这些,你怎么处理?很多人很期待新一代的平板计算机上市。

    And many of you are excited about the next generation tablet computers to come out in the market .

  2. 新的版本可以提供节省功率优势的手机芯片,并且给微软一个更好的机会在新兴的平板计算机获得立足点。

    The new version could take advantage of the power savings provided by cell phone chips , and give Microsoft a better chance of gaining a foothold in the emerging world of tablet computers .

  3. 摊铺机熨平板计算机辅助测试分析系统

    Computer Aided Test and Analysis System for Paver Screed

  4. 全美永说,人脑活动图将给硬件公司提供大量新工具,这会改变我们使用智能手机和平板计算机的方式。

    The Brain Activity Map will give hardware companies a lot of new tools that will change how we use smartphones and tablets , Dr. Chun said .

  5. 他们发现,在这些人的子女中,75%的孩子有机会使用能上网的设备,且有超过一半的三至四岁的孩子拥有自己的平板电脑或计算机。

    They revealed that 75 % of their children had access to a connected device and over half of three and four-year-olds had their own tablet or computer .

  6. 试着尽量减少使用电视、平板电脑、计算机、智能手机,来拯救你的恋爱和健康。

    Try to unplug from TV , tablet , computer , and smartphone use as often as possible to save your relationship and health .

  7. Puzzlets和平板电脑或个人计算机配套使用。虽然看上去像是老式拼图游戏,但它实际上引进了复杂的编程难题。

    Pairing with a tablet or computer , Puzzlets looks like an old-fashioned tile game but actually introduces complex coding and programming challenges .