
  1. 管理和发展员工,达成或超过定制机生产的工作要求。

    Manage and develop production employees to achieve operation excellence in custom production .

  2. 管理领导定制机生产质量团队,包括工程师及检验员。

    Supervise and lead the custom mfg quality team , include engineers and inspectors .

  3. 比如中国移动和联通,在定制机上,虽然不回有假货等,但是比国内行货品质上又有所打折!

    Such as China Mobile and China Unicom , the local custom , although not have to fake , and so on , but on the quality of domestic importers and the discount !

  4. 在我们BPEL流程中默认选择JSF定制客户机和人工任务作为GeneratorType。

    By default it selects Generator Type as JSF custom client and human task in our BPEL process .

  5. 定制客户机在未启用SACK的情况下也会生成一个合理的使用率图。

    The custom client , when not using SACK , also generates a reasonable utilization graph .

  6. 附加组件是定制虚拟机配置的专门脚本。

    Add-ons are specialized scripts to customize the virtual machine configuration .

  7. 面向大规模定制粗纱机产品平台的设计

    Product Platform Design of Flyer Frame under Mass Customization

  8. 我编写了定制客户机,用于驱动实验并触发服务器上感兴趣的代码路径。

    A custom client was written to drive the experiments and trigger the code paths of interest on the server .

  9. 我编写处理这些非正式解析任务的程序的方法总是有点象大杂烩,其中包括定制状态机、正则表达式以及上下文驱动的字符串测试。

    The way I have programmed these informal parsing tasks has always been somewhat of a hodgepodge of custom state-machines , regular expressions , and context-driven string tests .

  10. 没有使用定制的客户机和TCP栈,而是使用了标准的LinuxTCP协议栈和wget命令行HTTP客户机。

    Instead of using a custom client and TCP stack , I used the standard Linux TCP stack and the wget command-line HTTP client .

  11. 还可以使用这个工具箱为桌面客户机构建定制的客户机平台;但是定制的平台要求从IBM获得OEM许可证。

    You can also use the toolkit to build custom client platforms for the desktop client ; however , custom platforms require an OEM license from IBM .

  12. 如果检查定制节点虚拟机apptest003或apptest004,会看到WebSphereCloudBurst把它们也放在WASNodeCloud云组中。

    If you check either of the custom node virtual machines , apptest_003 or apptest_004 , you see that WebSphere CloudBurst placed them in the WAS Node Cloud cloud group as well .

  13. 生成并定制C/C++客户机组件。

    Generate C / C + + client components and tailor them .

  14. 我们的工程师在液压机设计方面有几十年的经验,并能向客户提供有保证的定制的液压机,以满足您的特定需求。

    Our engineers have decades of combined experience in hydraulic press design and can provide dependable custom hydraulic presses tailored to fit your specific needs .

  15. 公司还表示,在接下来的一年半之内,他们还会推出一种饮料定制自动贩卖机,能够根据需求混搭、灌装饮料。

    And within the next 18 months , the company says it will have a soda personalization vending machine available that can combine and bottle beverages on demand .

  16. 但是,这样的高分辨率显示系统用途有限,因为它们需要在定制的并行机或个人计算机集群上运行一些专门开发的并行形象化程序才能实现。

    Unfortunately , such high-resolution display systems have limited use because they require specially developed parallel visualization programs that run on a custom-designed parallel machine or a PC cluster .

  17. 这样就可以开始创建定制的SSH客户机了。

    So on to the project of creating a custom SSH client .

  18. Twisted使您能够编写定制的SSH客户机和服务器,这可是件非常好的事情。

    Twisted lets you write your own custom SSH clients and servers , which is quite nice .

  19. 通过使用AIMSDK,可以创建一个定制的Java客户机,它使Java应用程序可以使用IM接受用户的消息并向用户返回响应。

    Using the AIM SDK , you can create a custom Java client that allows your Java applications to both accept messages from your users and respond to them using IM .

  20. 此图是pre-2.6.25开发内核上启用恶意SACK选项时使用定制大窗口客户机的情况下,CPU随时间变化的使用率

    This is the graph of CPU usage over time using the custom large-window client with malicious SACK options against a pre-2.6.25 development kernel

  21. 接下来的文章将阐述如何配置和定制应用程序客户机,以通过BEAWebLogic应用服务器上的InfoSphereMDMServer的验证。

    How to configure and customize the application clients to be authenticated to secured InfoSphere MDM Server on a BEA WebLogic application server will be covered in subsequent articles .

  22. 请按照在线说明获取定制的客户机密匙(clientkey),因为后面将构建一个自动化的、定制的AIM客户机。

    Follow the online instructions for getting custom client keys because , effectively , you 'll be building an automated custom AIM client .