
  1. 锰铜控股与吉利(geely)组建了一家合资企业,在中国启动这款汽车的商业生产和销售,寄望于伦敦出租车成为一款世界各地都能负担得起的“打的”用车。

    With the start of commercial production and sales of the cars in China under a joint venture with Geely , it is pinning its hopes on the London taxi becoming an affordable option for cabbies the world over .

  2. 据英国《每日邮报》10月10日报道,英国湖区酒店做出一款世界上最昂贵的布丁。

    UK Lake District restaurant whips up the world 's most expensive pudding .

  3. 愤怒的小鸟、水果忍者、植物大战僵尸三款世界著名的游戏均布置了超大超豪华的展厅与玩家互动。

    Angry bird , fruit Ninja , Zombies are three world-famous game arranged large ultra-luxury showroom and player interaction .

  4. 印度政府日前推出了一款世界上最便宜的笔记本电脑,这款触摸屏的计算设备售价仅为35美元。

    India has come up with the world 's cheapest'laptop ' , a touch-screen computing device that costs $ 35 .

  5. 印度的智能手机市场上充斥着低端产品,而本周三一家名不见经传的公司更是发布了一款世界上最便宜的智能手机。

    A little-known Indian company is launching a smartphone on Wednesday believed to be the cheapest in the world , targeting a market already dominated by low-cost handsets .

  6. 2007年,英国《独立报》评选出10l款改变世界的小发明,排在第一位是有近2000年历史的中国算盘。

    In 2007 , the British newspaper The Independent listed 101 small inven-tions that changed the world , among which , the Chinese abacus which has enjoyed a history of 2000 years or so , ranked the first .

  7. 乔布斯和苹果推出一款改变世界的产品

    Steve Jobs and Apple released a game changer

  8. 在接下来的一款拯救世界的游戏里

    So , for the next world-saving game ,

  9. 运动品牌阿迪达斯近日在巴西停售两款以世界杯为主题的T恤,因为巴西旅游局抱怨他们鼓吹色情旅游业。

    Sports brand adidas have accepted a request from Brazil 's tourism board to stop selling two T-shirts it marketed ahead of this year 's World Cup because they encourage sexual tourism .

  10. 特价白葡萄酒比特价红葡萄酒要少见得多,不过这里我要推荐28款来自世界各地的精品,本推荐中的产品以价格升序排列。

    White wine bargains are always rarer than their red counterparts but there are 28 truly fine wines here , from all over the world , listed in ascending order of lowest-known price in the UK .

  11. 首先是《愤怒的小鸟》(AngryBirds)电影上映。这部电影是基于一款曾经征服世界、但最近似乎不再受到青睐的app制作的。

    First up was the release of Angry Birds , a film based on an app that once conquered the world but recently seemed to fall out of favour .

  12. 但在各大网络讨论社区的帖子中,《魔兽世界》的玩家对第九城市和中国文化部进行了谴责,称这是对一款在全世界拥有数百万玩家的游戏的不合理干涉。

    However , in postings to online discussion boards , WoW players denounced The9 and Beijing 's ministry of culture for what they said was an unreasonable interference in a game enjoyed by millions around the world .

  13. 推特上有许多人们因“口袋妖怪”而结缘的故事。“口袋妖怪”是一款结合现实世界和虚拟图像的游戏。玩这款游戏时人们得拿着手机走上街头,捕捉出现在他们屏幕上的宠物小精灵。

    Twitter is full of stories of people being asked out on dates while out playing the game - which is based in the real world with graphics superimposed and requires users to walk around the streets trying to ' catch ' Pok é mon characters that appear on their screens .

  14. 一款能够以全世界各地的风景为壁纸并且能自动更新的软体。

    Auto updates your wallpaper with web camera views from around the world .

  15. 为了实现目标,福特选择打造一款能够隔离外部世界以享受安宁的轿车。

    To that end , Ford chose to create a car designed as a quiet sanctuary from the outside world .

  16. 周二,15款游戏进入了世界游戏名人堂的决赛名单,玩家们在这些游戏上花费了无数时间。

    Fifteen video games that have engrossed gamers for untold hours were named finalists Tuesday for the new World Video Game Hall of Fame .