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kuǎn shì
  • style;design;fashion;model;pattern;cut
款式 [kuǎn shì]
  • [style;pattern;design] 式样;格式

款式[kuǎn shì]
  1. 开最新款式的车能满足一种庸俗的虚荣心。

    There is a snob value in driving the latest model .

  2. 基本款式的定价大多数人都完全负担得起。

    The basic model is priced well within the reach of most people .

  3. 我们有各种款式各种尺码的货品。

    We stock a wide variety of styles and sizes .

  4. 很多人不断将手机升级到最高档的款式。

    Many people are upgrading their mobiles to top-end models .

  5. 最新的款式有100多种新特色。

    The latest model has over 100 new features .

  6. 这种款式只在特定商店有售。

    This model is available at selected stores only .

  7. 各种色彩的款式应有尽有。

    Designs are available in a myriad of colours .

  8. 有些款式永远不会过时。

    Some styles never go out of fashion .

  9. 这一款式又有了进一步的改进。

    This particular model has a further refinement .

  10. 新款式服装使旧的款式不再流行。

    New fashions drive out old ones .

  11. 这种最新款式独领风骚。

    This latest design has no rivals .

  12. 我们已着手生产新的款式,明年春天就可以上市。

    Our new model is already on the stocks and will be available in the spring .

  13. 她会教你如何搭配款式和颜色。

    She 'll show you how to co-ordinate pattern and colours

  14. 50年的经验使得他在款式上有自己的独到见解。

    His 50 years of experience have given him strong convictions about style

  15. 有些款式特别衬人,很快就成了经典。

    Some styles are so flattering that they instantly become classics

  16. 帽子有几种款式。

    Several styles of hat were available .

  17. 款式包括条纹的和格子的。

    Styles include stripes and checks .

  18. 款式选择得当的泳装有助于按照意愿掩饰、缩小或突出某些部位。

    The right style of swimsuit can help to hide , minimise or emphasise what you want it to

  19. 我一直喜欢不太惹眼的衣服——简单的款式需要下大工夫才能弄得恰到好处。

    I have always liked understated clothes — simple shapes which take a lot of hard work to get right .

  20. 她总是很了解服装的最新流行款式。

    She always understands well the newest mode in dresses .

  21. 这是该公司汽车系列的新增款式。

    This is the latest addition to the company 's range of automobiles .

  22. 这是现在流行的夹克款式。

    This is the current fashion in jackets .

  23. 她穿着一条款式陈旧的连衣裙。

    She was wearing a dowdy dress .

  24. 过去10年里,汽车款式在全球范围内变化很大。

    Car styles around the whole world have changed a lot in the past decade .

  25. 她的发型是这个城市流行的款式。

    She wears a fashionable hair style prevailing in the city .

  26. 夏装的款式常常是秋装的预兆。

    Summer styles are often a foretaste of autumn fashion .

  27. 这种款式的鞋很看俏。

    This band of shoes have enjoyed a good market .

  28. 你为什么还穿款式陈旧的衣服?

    Why do you still dress in an old-fashioned mode ?

  29. 领子是根据流行的款式剪成的。

    The collar was cut away according to the fashion .

  30. 这些新衣服的款式非常引人注目。

    The new dress styles are very attractive .