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  • 网络clothing color
  1. 基于江南女性肤色的服装色彩搭配研究

    Research of Clothing Color Matching under Skin-color of Ladies in Jiangnan Area

  2. 浅谈服装色彩的应用

    Shallowly Discusses the Clothing Color the Application

  3. 美洲本土人的服装色彩绚丽、设计精美,并有着的文化内涵。

    Native Americans have a rich culture with colorful artistic costumes .

  4. 互补色在服装色彩设计中的应用分析

    The analysis of the complementary color in garment color design application

  5. 基于和谐适应性的服装色彩研究

    Study on Color of Cloth Base on Harmonious and Adaptability

  6. 浅析服装色彩及其影响因素

    Analysis on the Colour of Garment and its Influence Factors

  7. 论化妆色彩与服装色彩合理搭配的实现电脑配色新技术及其初步应用

    The new technique of computer color match and its application

  8. 基于穿着因素的服装色彩咨询系统研究

    Consulation System for Garment Colors Based on the Wearing Effects

  9. 如果肤色和服装色彩搭配恰当,那么就会给自己的锦上添花。

    If the color and color collocation appropriately , so will give oneself .

  10. 紫色在服装色彩应用中的象征意义

    The symbolize meaning of purple in clothes color applying

  11. 服装色彩的搭配是服装整体设计的重要环节之一。

    Matching of clothing colour is one of the important parts in clothing design .

  12. 这时,肤色与服装色彩及环境色的和谐就尤显的重要了。

    At this moment , color and color and the harmonious environment is especially important .

  13. 越来越多的人注重服装色彩穿着打扮。

    People start to pay more attention to the style and colors of their clothes .

  14. 论服装色彩的影响因素

    On Factors Influencing The Clothing Color

  15. 服装色彩浅议

    The Analyze of the Clothing Color

  16. 1998/1999年石家庄市冬季服装色彩流行调查分析

    Investigation and Analysis About the Year 1998 / 1999 Winter Garment 's Fashion Colour of Shijiazhuang City

  17. 对服装色彩搭配的思考

    Reflections on Clothing Color Matching

  18. 从服装色彩蕴含的艺术审美情趣、民族风格以及视觉审美属性出发,探讨人类艺术审美意识的根源。

    Start from costume color contained aesthetic , national style and visual aesthetic , the origin of artistic aesthetic awareness is investigated .

  19. 服装色彩、图案、款式风格和面料的选用对启发幼儿的创造性起到至关重要的作用,尤其是色彩与图案的选用。

    The choice of the color , design , style and material would have important use to enlighten the children 's creativity and imagination .

  20. 通过对无彩色、有彩色、无彩色有彩色结合这3种形式的服装色彩搭配进行分析,提出了服装色彩搭配的基本规律。

    This paper proposes the basic rules for clothing color matching by analyzing its three forms : colorless , colored and the combination of colorless and colored .

  21. 将该算法应用于服装色彩优化系统,研究了种群规模和子种群规模的选择对算法性能的影响。

    Then , TS-IGA was applied in a dress color optimization system to study how the population size and sub-population size influence the performance of the algorithm .

  22. 通过虚拟校园服装色彩搭配系统,可以使那些没有机会享受形象顾问服务的人群也可以得到优质的服务。

    Clothing color matching through the system , can make the image consultant who do not have the opportunity to enjoy the service people can receive quality service .

  23. 同时,论述了和谐服装色彩的定位、色调的作用以及多元化民族色彩形式对服装色彩和谐的表现意义。

    Meanwhile , the orientation of harmonious costume color , the function of tones and the expression of multi-national color mode to costume color harmoniousness are elaborated as well .

  24. 本文从不同角度系统阐述了影响服装色彩的诸多因素,对服装色彩设计的研究现状进行了全面、细致的分析。

    This article illuminated the factors which can influence the colours of clothes in different aspects in detail , and analyzed the actualities of the improvement of colour design .

  25. 服装色彩是服装感观的第一印象,它有极强的吸引力,若想让其在着装上得到淋漓尽致的发挥,必须充分了解色彩的特性。

    Color is the first impression , and its sense of strong attraction to the dressing , get incisively and vividly , must fully understand the characteristics of color .

  26. 希望通过以上研究可以使中国承办的更多的大型表演活动的开幕式服装色彩的设计开发上,更好的继承和发扬中国传统色彩。

    Through the above study , I hope China will inherit and develop Chinese traditional culture better in the development of costume design in more large performance shows that it caters for .

  27. 将本文的研究成果用于实际应用中,不仅为消费者提供系统的色彩穿着咨询,也为服装色彩设计师配色设计提供一些参考依据。

    To put the results of this study into practical application will not only offer colors matching advices to consumers during wearing , but also provide consultation to experts in the colors design of garment .

  28. 服装色彩虽然以色彩学的基本原理为基础,然而服装色彩的特殊性、色彩的构思和服装色彩的搭配艺术使它与服装款式、面料紧密联系在一起。

    Though the color of clothing is based on the basic principle of color science , the particularity , plot and clothing collocation art of color clothing make it linked closely to clothing style , surface fabric .

  29. 正如人物形象设计所追求的境界是色形神合一一样,色彩是人物形象设计的首体,良好的服装色彩搭配更是人物形象设计实现效果的基础。

    Character design , as the pursuit of state of " unity of color and spirit ," as the color is the character of the first body image design , good color matching clothing is designed to achieve effective character image basis .

  30. 基于和谐适应性的需求,服装色彩蕴涵的审美情趣、民族风格以及视觉美学属性,概述了从人类艺术审美意识的根源出发,服装色彩表达的重要作用,以及服装色彩的美感效应。

    The important effect of color to cloth and the aesthetic feeling of cloth color were summarized in this paper , basing on the demand of harmonious and adaptability and aesthetic sentiment in cloth color , including the nation style and esthetics of visual .