
  • Nightgown;Nightdress
  1. 当我指出她穿着睡裙的时候。

    When I pointed out that she was in her nightgown .

  2. 我在这儿,我穿着睡裙准备上床了。

    Here I am getting ready for bed in my nightgown .

  3. 为什么你要在学校里穿着睡裙?

    Why are you wearing your Nightgown in school ?

  4. 它染黄我们头顶上浆果的叶子,又染黄湿漉漉的野草莓的睡裙。

    Yellow the leaves of the rowan above us , And yellow the wet wild-strawberry leaves .

  5. 家居服中的吊带睡裙对衬托女性的柔美气质起着不可忽视的作用。

    Nightdress , as an at-home wear , plays an essential role for improving the mellow temperament of women .

  6. 穿着长长的白色睡裙,她看起来很高,黑色的长发从背后一直垂到腰际。

    She looked tall in her long white nightdress , her long dark hair hanging down her back to her waist .

  7. 安娜公主:我讨厌这件睡裙。我讨厌我的所有的睡裙,并且讨厌我的所有的内衣裤。

    Princess Ann : I hate this nightgown . I hate all my nightgowns , and I hate all my underwear too .

  8. 在我五岁圣诞节时,她给了我一个红色的绒布封面的记事本,我穿着我像花朵一样的睡裙翻开空白的页面,感到困惑。

    When I was five , she gave me a red corduroy-covered notebook for Christmas . I sat in my floral nightgown turning the blank pages , puzzled .

  9. 穿着长长的白色睡裙,她看起来很高,黑色的长发从背后一直垂到腰际。她的热情使她的面孔焕发着光彩,透出一种美丽的圣洁&就是这张脸导致了她的耻辱。

    She looked tall in her long white nightdress , her long dark hair hanging down her back to her waist . Her enthusiasm lit up her face , giving it a beautiful purity & the face which had caused her shame .