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shuì yī
  • pajamas;nightgown;nightwear;nighty;nightshirt;night-clothes;sleepcoat
睡衣 [shuì yī]
  • [night-clothes;pajamas] 睡觉或在室内休闲时穿的服装

睡衣[shuì yī]
  1. 她想把睡衣踢脱,可是它却和缎子床单绞到了一块。

    She tried to kick the pajamas loose , but they were tangled in the satin sheet

  2. 他买了一套睡衣。

    He bought a pair of pajamas .

  3. 他敞开睡衣站着打呵欠。

    He stood yawning , his pyjama jacket gaping open .

  4. 我穿着一件带有白色蕾丝花边的格子呢睡衣。

    I am wearing a plaid nightgown trimmed with white lace .

  5. 她想都没想,穿着睡衣就飞奔下了楼。

    Without thinking , she pelted down the stairs in her nightgown .

  6. 这件女式睡衣的袖孔和领口都镶着一圈手织花边。

    The nightdress has handmade lace round the armholes and neckline

  7. 15分钟后他便穿了睡衣躺在床上了。

    Fifteen minutes later he was undressed and in bed

  8. 休坐在床上,穿着印花宽松短睡衣,显得非常迷人。

    Sue was sitting up in bed , looking very fetching in a flowered bedjacket

  9. 她还穿着睡衣,头发披散至肩。

    She was still in her nightdress , with her hair hanging loose over her shoulders .

  10. 她只在薄如蝉翼的睡衣外套了一件薄睡袍,而且光着脚。

    She was wearing only a thin robe over a flimsy nightdress , and her feet were bare

  11. 那件睡衣显露出她优美的(身段)线条。

    The gown showed off her lovely figure .

  12. 马丁穿着睡衣。

    Martin was in his pyjamas .

  13. 公司很快发现员工可以在家工作,通过网络提交任务,这样全新的远程办公族就出现了,他们不剃胡子、穿着睡衣在家办公。

    Companies soon discovered that work could be done at home and submitted online , so a whole new class of telecommuters began to earn a living from home offices unshaven and wearing pajamas .

  14. 有些人甚至一直穿着睡衣。

    Some people aren 't even changing out of their pajamas .

  15. 她身着拖地的淡紫色的长睡衣,与她那耀眼的红头发很不协调

    A trailing lavender negligee that swore at her bright red hair .

  16. 真是乱七八糟!看看睡衣乱放在床上

    What a mess ! Look at the pajamas strewing on the bed .

  17. 这件睡衣有许多修补过的地方。

    This pyjamas has many repairs .

  18. 他发现她还穿着睡衣躺在床上,在看一本杂志。

    He found her in the bedroom still in bed with her pajamas on , reading a magazine .

  19. 浪漫的女人看她的睡衣。小资的女人看她的化妆包……我看完发现我好像不是女人!

    a woman with petty bourgeoisie sentiments by her makeup9 bag … Upon reading this it suddenly dawns on me that I may not be a woman !

  20. 娜奥米·坎贝尔是起床首传自拍照的第一人。这位光鲜美丽的超模身穿简单的白色吊带睡衣,躺在奢华的白色寝具上。

    Naomi Campbell was among the first to post her picture first thing in the morning and the glamorous4 supermodel wore a simple white camisole nightie while lying among luxurious5 white bedding .

  21. 孩子们还穿着睡衣,满身是泥地躺在外面。打开房门,他发现屋子里面更乱。橱柜上堆着盘子,地上散落着狗食,桌子下面有一只打碎的玻璃杯,后门旁还有一堆沙子。

    When he opened the door , he found an even bigger mess : dishes on the counter , dog food spilled on the floor , a broken glass under the table and a pile of sand by the back door .

  22. Miller,把睡衣穿上。

    Miller , put some pajamas on .

  23. 城市科学调研公司(CivicScience)发表的一份新报告指出,当女性在寻找内衣或睡衣的时候,她们更可能会购买塔吉特公司(Target,美国仅次于沃尔玛的第二大零售百货集团)的产品,而不是维密品牌的产品。

    A new report by the research firm CivicScience found that women are much more likely to buy from Target than from Victoria 's Secret when they 're searching for intimates and sleepwear .

  24. 主要经营华歌尔、黛安芬和CK内衣,以及泳装、睡衣的批发及零售等。

    Basically manage China song Er , Daianfen and CK underwear , and of swimsuit , bedgown wholesale reach retail etc.

  25. NiP睡衣忍者的非常态生活

    NiP the unusual lifestyle of Ninjas In Pyjamas

  26. 她妈妈当年借给她20美元,用来创办LuckyYouDesign服装公司,后来哈雷尔把公司的业务从睡衣拓展到订制服饰,公司迅速发展壮大起来&那年她才仅仅16岁。

    Her mother loaned her $ 20 to start Lucky You Design , which took off when Harrell expanded the clothing company from pajamas to customized apparel and accessories & she was all of16 at the time .

  27. own:自己的possibly:可能地,也许wear:穿著pajamas:睡衣,宽长裤也就指望Serena睡她自己的床,最好还穿着睡衣。

    Gossip girl : For Serena to sleep in her own , bed , possibly wearing pajamas . -

  28. 这次召回掀起了一波类似行动的浪潮,包括玩具反斗城(toysrus)召回中国制造的套装蜡笔和颜料,新西兰声称中国生产的睡衣甲醛含量超标。

    The recall has prompted a wave of similar moves , from the recall of crayon and paint sets made in China by Toys R us to allegations in New Zealand that Chinese-made pyjamas contain dangerous levels of formaldehyde .

  29. Jeannie帮我个忙你就穿着睡衣吧

    So , Jeannie , do me a favor , Just stay in those pajamas .

  30. Irene要举行一个睡衣派对,他哥哥对她说“妈妈说你下周六要举行睡衣派对。”

    Irene is going to have a slumber party and Russ , her brother , says ," Mom says you 're having a slumber party next Saturday . "