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shàng yī
  • top;jacket;waist;lap;upper outer garment
上衣 [shàng yī]
  • [upper outer garment;jacket] 用于穿在上身的服装

上衣[shàng yī]
  1. 我上班得穿短上衣打领带。

    I have to wear a jacket and tie to work .

  2. 这件短上衣有两层衬里。

    The jacket was lined with a double thickness of fabric .

  3. 我需要一件上衣来配这条裙子。

    I need a top to go with this skirt .

  4. 戈登一把抓起上衣,出了房间。

    Gordon snatched up his jacket and left the room .

  5. 他把上衣挂在凸出墙面的一根钉子上。

    He hung his coat on a nail protruding from the wall .

  6. 把上衣扣上,天凉了。

    Do your coat up ; it 's cold .

  7. 他的上衣满是泥点。

    His jacket was covered with spots of mud .

  8. 上衣湿透了——脱下来吧。

    That coat is soaking ─ take it off .

  9. 她把她的短上衣丢到床上。

    She tossed her jacket onto the bed .

  10. 他脱光了上衣站在那里。

    He stood there stripped to the waist .

  11. 他穿上短上衣出去了。

    He donned his jacket and went out .

  12. 毛料上衣配真丝长裤,质地上的差异非常有趣。

    A wool jacket complements the silk trousers and provides an interesting contrast in texture .

  13. 风不时地吹动着我的上衣。

    The wind plucked at my jacket .

  14. 他脱去了短上衣。

    He divested himself of his jacket .

  15. 那把刀划破了他的上衣。

    The knife sliced his jacket .

  16. 那件短上衣很合身。

    That jacket fits well .

  17. 你忘了拿你的短上衣,不过我可以在明天上班的路上顺便捎给你。

    You left your jacket , but I can drop it off on my way to work tomorrow .

  18. 哈拉穿着库尔德斯坦常见的漂亮束腰上衣和马裤。

    Hallah wears the stylish tunic and pantaloons common in Kurdistan .

  19. 为了看上去不过于正式,卡罗琳建议穿有民族色彩的上衣。

    To soften a formal look , Caroline recommends ethnic blouses .

  20. 他穿着黑色上衣和条纹裤子,简直无可挑剔。

    He was faultlessly attired in black coat and striped trousers .

  21. 你能把上衣借给我穿一会儿吗?

    Will you lend me your jacket for a little while ?

  22. 她身穿迷你裙和紧身上衣走下了飞机。

    She walked off the plane in a miniskirt and tight top

  23. 她的短上衣放在时装店里,要做些改动。

    Her jacket was at the boutique waiting for alteration .

  24. 他把手伸进上衣口袋里摸钥匙。

    He dug into his coat pocket for his keys .

  25. 女运动员穿着短上衣和紧身短裤。

    Women athletes wear cropped tops and tight shorts .

  26. 他穿着一件带有黑色褶子饰条的无领上衣。

    He sported a collarless jacket with pleated black panels

  27. 他在高英斯男装店买了一件打折的运动上衣。

    He bought a sports jacket on sale at Gowings Men 's Store .

  28. 她穿着一件有花边的白色上衣和一条蓝色天鹅绒裙子。

    She was wearing a white ruffled blouse and a blue velvet skirt .

  29. 他从上衣口袋里掏出小笔记本,撕下来一页。

    He took a small notebook from his jacket pocket and tore out a page

  30. 用些圆形小金属片或发光小亮片装饰这件女式短上衣。

    Decorate the tunic with sequins or glitter .