
  • 网络gentleman;gentry;superior
  1. 她们参加这项工作目的是为了花极少代价就可以得到充作贵妇人和上等人的乐趣。

    They took up this work for the pleasure of playing the grand lady and the superior person at a very small expense .

  2. 上等人费功夫去发现什么是正确的,而下等人却费功夫去寻找有利可图的。把。

    A gentleman takes as much trouble to discover what is right as baser men take to discover what will pay .

  3. 上等人的目标是要保持他们的地位。

    The aim of the High is to remain where they are .

  4. 次等人为他的错误找藉口;上等人则寻求改善。

    Inferior people make excuses for their faults ; sperior people correct then .

  5. 像过去一样,上等人会被中等人赶跑,中等人就变成了上等人;

    As usual , the high were to be turned out by the middle , who would then become the high ;

  6. 可是那些农场主太太们和他们的农奴们却不能宽恕他并非生来就是上等人这一事实,尽管她们都做到了。

    But the planters'ladies and the planters ' slaves could not overlook the fact that he was not born a gentleman , even if their men folks could .

  7. 在真实生活中,你是一个上等的人还是下等的?

    Jesse , the John : In real life , are you a top or a bottom ?

  8. 面对这些人,如果你是个合格的上等阶级人,请面对这些人微。

    Faced with these people , if you are a qualified person , please face superior class these people smile and nod .

  9. 因为佐治亚的合同商人中不是包括有最上等家庭的人吗?

    For did not the Georgia contract holders include men from the very best families ?