
  • 网络life process;Life course;course of life
  1. 组织表达谱分析揭示了这些EST在心、脾、肝、肾、小肠、卵巢、肺等绝大多数组织中表达,说明这些基因对生命过程很重要。

    Tissue expression profile analysis showed that the ESTs were expressed in most of tissues including heart , spleen , liver , kidney , small intestine , ovary and lung , and this also implied that these genes might be important for the life process .

  2. 考虑结构生命过程的公路桥梁可靠度模型

    Structure Reliability Model of Highway Bridge Considering the Structure Life Process

  3. 而金属离子及其配合物在许多生命过程中起着核心作用,小分子特别是过渡金属配合物与DNA的键合和分子识别特性是生命科学中重要的研究课题。

    While metal ions and metal complexes play key roles in the courses of a lot of lives .

  4. 基因表达(geneexpression)是指细胞在生命过程中,把储存在DNA中的遗传信息转变成具有生物活性的蛋白质分子。

    Gene expression means in the process of life , cell transform the genetic information which in DNA to be active protein .

  5. 嘌呤与特定的嘧啶碱基一起时是DNA和RNA的组成部分,生命过程中非常重要。

    Purine are the part of DNA and RNA bounding with specific pyrimidine . They exert the important function in the biological processes .

  6. 吲哚乙酸(IAA)除了在多种基本的生命过程中发挥重要作用外,还参与根的生长和发育。

    In addition to its important role in diverse fundamental processes , indole-3-acetic acid ( IAA ) is involved in root growth and development .

  7. Rb是抑癌基因,其表达产物Rb蛋白在细胞核内与控制DNA复制和转录的蛋白相结合,从而控制细胞的生命过程。

    Rb is an inhibiting cancer gene , its expressing product can control repb ' cation and transcription of DNA in nuclei , hence control the cell life progress .

  8. 酚氧化酶(phenoloxidase,简称PO,EC1.14.18.1,在哺乳动物中也称为酪氨酸酶)是昆虫生命过程中的重要调节酶。

    Phenol oxidase ( PO , EC , and was also known as tyrosinase in mammalian ) is one of the key enzymes in the development of insects .

  9. 针对CNC系统的复杂性和实时性特点,研究了基于开放结构数控平台的功能对象在系统运行中的生命过程以及它们之间相互操作的关系。

    CNC controller is a complex system which have multilevel real time requirements . The life processes of application objects in open architecture controller platform and their interactions must be analyzed in CNC modeling .

  10. 细胞外RNA是存在于细胞外以结合或游离形式存在的一类RNA分子,它不仅在生命过程中起着非常重要的作用,而且可以作为疾病诊断有力的分子标志。

    Extracellular RNA is a group of RNA that is bound or free , which can not only play an important role in life , but also be the useful molecular markers for disease diagnosis .

  11. 在整个生命过程中,晶状体上皮细胞(lensepithelialcells,LECs)几乎都在持续进行分裂,其子细胞不断从晶状体的生殖区迁移到赤道区、延伸,最后分化为晶状体纤维。

    Lens epithelial cells ( LECs ) divide continuously throughout the life-span , and their daughter cells migrate from the germinative zone to the equatorial region , elongate and finally differentiate into lens fiber cells .

  12. Wnt信号各种生命过程中也发挥重要作用,如调节胚胎早期发育、细胞分化、细胞增殖和生长等。

    Wnt signaling also plays an important role in many processes of life , including regulating early embryonic development , cell differentiation , cell proliferation and growth .

  13. 赤霉素(GA)是调控种子萌发、茎和下胚轴伸长、花发育和开花等诸多生命过程的重要激素,在拟南芥、榛子和苹果中的研究表明,低温层积能提高种子内源GA含量。

    Phytohormone gibberellins ( GAs ) play crucial roles in seed germination , stem and hypocotyl elongation , floral development and flowering time . Cold stratification can increase the endogenous GA contents in Arabidopsis , hazel and apple seeds .

  14. 神经生长因子(Nervegrowthfactor,NGF)不仅对正在发育的神经系统中神经元的存活、分化和成熟等方面产生重要影响,而且在动物的整个生命过程中起着广泛的作用。

    Nerve growth factor ( NGF ) initially interested neurobiologists because of its effects in the developing nervous system of the survival , differentiation and maturation . It is now clear that NGF functions throughout the life of the animal with a wide repertoire of actions .

  15. 前期研究表明,Notch信号通路在进化上高度保守,它可以通过局部细胞间相互作用传导信号,调控细胞的增殖、分化、凋亡等多种生命过程,最终决定多细胞动物发育过程中多种细胞的命运。

    According to previous studies , Notch signaling , as a highly conserved mechanism throughout evolution , controls cell proliferation , differentiation , apoptosis through cell-cell interactions , then determines the cell fate during embryonic development and tissue regeneration .

  16. 核糖核酸(Ribonucleicacid,缩写为RNA)是非常重要的生物大分子之一,它参与蛋白质的合成,具有酶的催化作用,且携带遗传信息,在生命过程中起着举足轻重的作用。

    Ribonucleic Acid ( abbreviated as RNA ) is one of the most significant biological macromolecules , which is involved in protein synthesis , has enzyme catalysis , carries genetic information , and plays a extremely critical role in the life processes .

  17. 按GO分类系统,消减库中EST参与新陈代谢、细胞生长与分裂、细胞结构组成、跨膜运输、信号传递、胁迫应答、转录调控、翻译、蛋白降解等生命过程。

    According to GO classification system , the ESTs acquired in the libraries are involved in metabolism , cell growth and division , cell architecture composition , transmembrane transport , signal transduction , stress response , transcriptional control ,, translation , protein degradation and other vital process .

  18. 随着对microRNAs研究的不断深入,科学家们发现microRNAs参与生命过程中一系列的重要进程,其中包括早期发育、细胞增殖、细胞凋亡、细胞死亡、脂肪代谢和细胞分化等等。

    MicroRNAs are reported to involved a series of important progress of life , just like early development , cell proliferation , apoptosis , cell death , fat metabolism , cell differentiation and so on .

  19. 近年来研究表明AMPA受体和突触可塑性密切相关,了解AMPA受体的整个生命过程有助于进一步认识突触可塑性,进而认识学习记忆的分子机制。

    The recent researches demonstrated that there are close relationship between AMPA receptors and synaptic plasticity , and the whole active process of AMPA receptors conduces to understanding the underlying mechanisms of neural synaptic plasticity .

  20. Na+,K+-ATP酶利用ATP储存的能量来保证Na+、K+离子在膜内外的穿梭,而离子在膜内外的这种穿梭运动是启动神经信号传导和其它生命过程的基本步骤。

    The Na ~ + , K ~ + - ATPase make use of energy that ATP stores to guarantee transport and diffusion across cell membrane of Na ~ + 、 K ~ + ion . That is a basic step of activating nerval signal transfer and other vital process .

  21. 结论成功地从大鼠胰腺β细胞中,克隆到LVA钙通道基因中的1个新亚型(isoform)α1G-INS,对深入研究钙离子所涉及的许多重要的基本生命过程有着重要的意义。

    Conclusion A new isoform , α 1G-INS , of T-type calcium channel is successfully cloned from rat insulin-secreting cell line INS-1 , which is significant to further understanding many Ca2 + - involved biologically essential processes .

  22. 作为该系统中一种重要的效应因子,胰岛素样生长因子结合蛋白(IGFBPs)家族对维持体内血糖平衡,促进细胞的增殖分化等生命过程发挥着至关重要的作用。

    As an important effective factor , insulin-like growth factor binding proteins ( IGFBPs ) play the essential role on the life-process , such as maintaining the balance of blood glucose level , promoting cell proliferation et al .

  23. 正常人血清氨基酸浓度在生命过程中的动态变化

    Longitudinal Changes of Human Serum Free Amino Acid Concentrations Throughout Life

  24. 地球的地质-生命过程之中的技术-社会过程

    Process of Technology-society in the Geo-biological Process of the Earth

  25. 铁卟啉作为机体的载氧体,直接参与生命过程的活动。

    By organic carrier oxygen it attends all life activity .

  26. 金属离子在生命过程中的作用机制

    Functional mechanism of metallic ions in the activity of life

  27. 以生命过程的理念认识地质年代

    Cognition of Geological Era in Viewpoint of Life Process

  28. 台湾相思种群生命过程及谱分析

    Life Procession and Spectral Analysis of Acacia confusa Population

  29. 分析了教育在生命过程中的作用。

    The function of education in life is analyzed .

  30. 典型的生命过程和活有机体现象。

    Characteristic life processes and phenomena of living organisms .