
  1. 他们希望分享良好的生意买卖的消息。

    They hoped to share news of good business .

  2. 他对自己的生意买卖守口如瓶。

    He is a clam about his business dealing .

  3. 赶场的内容可谓丰富多彩,生意买卖自然首当其冲。

    The fair was rich and colorful in content , of which trading was the most important .

  4. 我已经是个老到的求道者了,而且曾经试过一些冥想方法,有一定的灵性经验。但是,那些都不能让我满意,因为,那一切都以钱为基础-只是生意买卖。

    I had become already a very deep seeker and had tried some kinds of meditations and spiritual experiences , but nothing satisfied me , because everything was based on money-only business .

  5. 在任何时候,你都要把你写的东西看作你需要他人的生意买卖、金钱、友善、喜爱或信任时,进行自我介绍的唯一机会。

    Think of all the times when a piece of writing is your only chance to introduce yourself to someone whose business or money or goodwill or affection or trust you want .

  6. 他用被子盖得严严实实的,睡帽拉得死死盖住眼睛。这时候,一天的生意买卖和艰难苦楚的念头全没有了。

    He would draw the coverlet closer round him , pull his nightcap over his eyes , and try to turn his thoughts from trade , and from the labors of the day , to olden times .

  7. 这时候,一天的生意买卖和艰难苦楚的念头全没有了。可是随之而来的并不是甚么爽心的事,因为这时候又会想起了许多往事。去放窗帘,窗帘上有时别着缝衣针,一下子又被这针扎着;噢!

    But this was scarcely an agreeable entertainment ; for thoughts of olden memories raise the curtains from the past , and sometimes pierce the heart with painful recollections till the agony brings tears to the waking eyes .

  8. 商品做生意中买卖的货物;商业物品。

    Goods bought and sold in business ; commercial wares .

  9. 西蒙做山羊生意,买卖山羊,已经做了二十年。

    For twenty years , Simon 's business has been goats , buying and selling them .

  10. 做生意要有买卖不成情义在的气度。

    When we do Business we should remain friendly even if the Business fails .

  11. 祝大家生意兴隆,买卖越做越好!

    I wish you all brisk business and continued debelopment in our business dealings !