
  1. 现代医学正从生物实验医学模式向生理、心理医学模式转变,在医院建设中已普遍关注和重视医疗环境的问题。

    Modern medicine is changing from the model of biomedicine to the model of physiology and psychology . The problem of medical environment has still being valued widely in hospital building construction .

  2. 结论SEBL教学法是精神卫生学教学中一种简便易行、行之有效的教学改革方法,对于促进医学生对生理-心理-社会医学模式转变的认识具有积极作用。

    Conclusion SEBL method is an simple , effective teaching reform way , play a positive role in promoting medical students learning the changing of physiology-psychology-society model .

  3. 21世纪以来,医学已步入新的生物医学时代,并从单一的生物学模式过渡到生理-心理-社会医学模式。

    Since the21st century , medical science has been stepping into a new biology epoch and the medical model has been shifted from single biology model to physio-psycho-society medical model .

  4. 随着医疗科技和社会的快速发展,现代医学也开始从生物实验模式向生理-心理-社会医学模式转换,即从单一的生理治疗向心理治疗、社会防治的多元化拓展。

    With a fast development of medical treatment science and technology and our society , the modern medicine has been changing from bio-experiment mode to physiology-psychology-social medicine mode , i.e. , from single physiological treatment to polynary treatment , including social prevention and cure .