
  • 网络Health Psychology;Psychology of Health;OHP
  1. 去年《英国健康心理学杂志》上发表的一项小规模研究表明:相比没有接受咨询的人,那些被要求进行步行运动同时也进行ACT咨询的人实现活动目标的几率约是他们的5倍。

    A small study published last year in the British Journal of Health Psychology found that people who were asked to follow a walking program and were also counseled in ACT were nearly five times more likely to meet the activity goals than those who didn 't receive counseling .

  2. 纽约州立大学石溪分校(StonyBrookUniversity)主要研究悲伤问题的社会与健康心理学教授卡米尔&12539;沃特曼(CamilleWortman)指出,人们常常会对放下过去往前看感到愧疚。

    People often feel guilty about moving on , says Camille Wortman , professor of social and health psychology at Stony Brook University , in New York , whose research focuses on grief .

  3. 方法用应付方式问卷、SCL-90、自我意识开放性问答,比较2003-2004年下半学期选修《健康心理学》的369名大学生教学前后心理健康变化情况。

    Methods 369 medical college students were tested by Coping Style Questionnaire , SCL-90 and self-consciousness opening answer to compare the mental health before and after attending the course of health psychology .

  4. 纽约州立大学石溪分校(StonyBrookUniversity)主要研究悲伤问题的社会与健康心理学教授卡米尔・沃特曼(CamilleWortman)指出,人们常常会对放下过去往前看感到愧疚。

    People often feel guilty about moving on , says Camille Wortman , professor of social and health psychology at Stony Brook University , in New York , whose research focuses on grief . '

  5. 黄国胜。佛教心理治疗对强迫症的疗效观察。健康心理学。

    Huang Guosheng The effect of Buddhis therapy on obsessions . m.

  6. 《黄帝内经》中健康心理学思想的探析

    Probing the Health Psychology Thoughts in the Yellow Emperor Internal Classic

  7. 研究结果发表在健康心理学期刊上。

    The findings were published in the journal Health Psychology .

  8. 职业健康心理学:形成、实务与发展

    Occupational health psychology : forming , practice and development

  9. 这项研究发表在本月出版的健康心理学。

    The research was published in this month 's edition of Health Psychology .

  10. 健康心理学研究的多元解析方法

    Preliminary Exploration to the New Methods of Health Psychology

  11. 健康心理学的研究还处于初级阶段。

    The field of health psychology is in infancy .

  12. 第三部分,《内经》健康心理学思想的主要内容。

    Part III : The main contents of Health Psychology Thoughts in Internal Classic .

  13. 健康心理学研究中质的研究方法探析

    Analysis of Qualitative Research in Health Psychology Study

  14. 健康心理学在日本

    Health Psychology in Japan

  15. 就在几个选项的可能的职业,包括临床心理学,司法心理学,健康心理学和工业组织心理学。

    Just a few of the possible career options include clinical psychology , forensic psychology , health psychology and industrial-organizational psychology .

  16. 该论文发表在《健康心理学》杂志上,主要研究对象是每周锻炼时间不足15分钟的妇女。

    The study , published in the journal Health Psychology , focused on young women who exercised less than 15 minutes a week .

  17. 结论从近期效果和中期效果看,以互动式教学模式开展的《健康心理学》课程均有利于提高大学生心理素质,近期效果更为明显。

    Conclusion The interactive approach to teaching health psychology is effective in promoting mental health of college students , especially obviously in short-term effect .

  18. 情绪调节是目前情绪心理学、发展心理学、健康心理学等多学科研究的热点问题。

    Emotion regulation is the hotspot and advancing topic in the multidisciplinary study such as current emotional field , developmental psychology and health psychology .

  19. 这一研究报告发表在本月的美国心理学会核心杂志《健康心理学》上。研究还发现,男性拥有控制权和决定权将会延长寿命。

    The report , in this month 's APA journal Health Psychology , also discovered that male longevity was increased by control and decision authority .

  20. 研究发现,主观幸福感是反映老年人生活质量的重要心理参数,所以老年人主观幸福感的研究是当今健康心理学重要的研究取向和热点。

    Subjective well-being , one of the most important psychological parameters reflecting the elders ' quality of life , is a hot spot in the positive psychology fields .

  21. 自那以来的30多年里,兰格探索了健康心理学的多个层面,做了很多利用思维的威力来缓解各种病痛的试验。

    Over the more than 30 intervening years , Langer had explored many dimensions of health psychology and tested the power of the mind to ease various afflictions .

  22. 目的探索以互动式教学模式开展的《健康心理学》课程对大学生心理素质的影响,为大学生心理健康教育方法的创新提供依据。

    Objective To explore the effect of interactive approach to teaching health psychology on mental quality of college students , and to provide evidence for innovation in approach to mental health education for college students .

  23. 合理采用和联合开发简短有效适合国情的老年人心理测量工具,是进一步开展老年健康心理学研究、锻炼心理学研究的基础和前提。

    Reasonable use and joint development of a short effective conditions suitable psychometric tool for the elders , are for further study of the elderly health psychology , exercise psychology and the basic premise of the study .

  24. 然而,他打算和他的研究对健康幸福心理学的建立,以补充学校的。

    Yet he intended his studies on happiness and health to complement those of the established schools of psychology .

  25. 有了你们的帮助和支持,我们能够成功地完成我们的使命,让每个人都更容易获得心理健康和心理学知识。

    With your help and support , we 're able to succeed in our mission to make mental health and psychology more accessible to everyone .

  26. 目的:了解社区老人抑郁发生状况,探讨导致老年抑郁的相关因素,为老年健康提供心理学参考。

    AIM : To study the status of the incidence of depression in elderly people in community , and to explore the related factors of senile depression so as to provide psychological references for health of elderly people .

  27. 高校教师心理健康的社会心理学研究

    The Social Psychology Research on Mental Health of University Teachers

  28. 心理学的健康发展呼唤心理学确立“人”的研究方式&心理学的整合视野。

    It appeals for its sound development to an integrated research horizon concerning human being .

  29. 体育锻炼与心理健康是运动心理学研究领域中的一个新课题。

    PE exercise and psychological health is a new subject in the field of sport psychology study .

  30. 然而,来自武汉心理健康中心的心理学教授刘晓林(音译)则认为,女汉子是天生的。

    Liu Xiaolin , professor of psychology at Wuhan Mental Health Center , believes tough women are nurtured this way .