
jiàn shēn qiú
  • Medicine Ball;fitness ball; exercise ball;Chinese health ball ;Baoling ball
  1. 然而,人们有时也会把药球与那种较大的健身球相混淆。

    However , it should not be confused with the larger , inflated exercise ball .

  2. 专家建议“积极坐姿”。不管健身球还是凳子,只要没有高靠背就好。

    Some experts on sitting recommend " active sitting " using an exercise ball , kneeling stool or something else without a high back .

  3. 7月,希杰公司旗下的健康和美丽连锁店OliveYoung(欧利芙洋)开始针对女性卖一些保健产品,包括哑铃和迷你健身球。

    In July , Olive Young , a health and beauty chain owned by CJ Corp , began selling health products targeted at women , including dumb-bells and a mini gym ball .

  4. 做这个锻炼,你需要借助一个中等大小的健身球。

    For this exercise , you 'll need a medium-sized ball .

  5. 根据自己的身高和体重选择合适的健身球。

    Get the right fitness ball for your height and weight .

  6. 脑梗塞恢复期患者进行健身球运动的经颅多普勒观察

    Transcranial Doppler in Evaluating the Convalescent Patients with Cerebral Infarction during Healthy Ball Motion

  7. 使用健身球来改善平衡性,稳定性,增强腹部力量。

    Improve balance , stability , and abdominal strength by doing fitness ball exercises .

  8. 我的同伴将扔给我一个健身球。

    I have got a partner who is going to throw me a medicine ball .

  9. 我把球接住,蹲下,再站起来,把健身球扔回去。

    I am going to catch it , squat down , stand up and throw back .

  10. 捏握健身球对中老年人甲皱微循环的影响

    Effect of Rubber Health Ball by Hand Holding on Nailfold Microcirculation in the Middle and Old People

  11. 健身球的使用方法是将球握在手中用手指捻转。

    The Spheres are used by rotating them in the palm of the hand with the fingers .

  12. 4.健身球

    Step 4 Try ball exercises

  13. 遇到长途坐车或飞行,我都带著健身球,随时用来运动调节。

    I carry a pair of health balls with me on long trips to help adjust my physical condition .

  14. 所以,扔健身球和进行交叉训练机活动是减掉面部脂肪的好办法。

    So , doing medicine ball throws and doing a cross trainer are excellent ways of losing face fat .

  15. 回到左,右,左吧,然后把球和健身球为仰泳。

    Return to left , right , left right , then hold the physio ball with both hands for backstroke .

  16. 许多人坐在健身球在自己的办公桌上保持腹部肌肉和脊椎活跃。

    The first part of the training was dedicated to fitness exercises , including loosening-up ones , abdominals and dorsals .

  17. 本周的技术有一些不同的特点和有趣的方法,是为所有泳姿如何使用一个健身球的技巧。

    This week 's drill features some different and fun ways to use a physio ball to work on technique for all your strokes .

  18. 我可以锻炼我的关键部位,我的腹肌和背部。而且,通过扔健身球,我还可以锻炼三头肌和肩膀。

    I am working my core , my abs and my back and by throwing , I am working my triceps and my shoulders .

  19. 当我接送小儿安昌去哈定小学时,一边走路,我两手同时各玩一对健身球。

    As I walk my son Andrew to and from Harding Elementary School on weekdays , I play in both hands a pair of health balls .

  20. 家人亲友,不分老幼,我都告诉他们练健身球的好处,还为家人买了球。

    To all kinds of people I spread the message of the benefits of this exercise , and I bought health balls for members of my family .

  21. 随后遇上了一个叫米特恩斯的母猫和一个健身球从不离身的仓鼠,最终,他才发现他所有的所谓的超能力都是假的。

    He then meets a female cat named Mittens and a hamster who never leaves his exercise ball , and eventually he discovers that all of his powers are fake .

  22. 乐天购物旗下的竞争链LOHB's称截止到2015年10月其公司像健身球、跳绳和哑铃一类的项目年销售额比去年增长了百分之九。

    Lotte Shopping 's rival chain LOHB 's said annual sales of items such as gym balls , jump ropes and dumb-bells were up 9 percent this year by Oct. 15 .

  23. 初创公司因那些慷慨得不可思议的福利而出名,从针灸到私人厨师,从摇滚音乐厅到健身球办公椅,应有尽有,甚至还有帮你在家里等待有线电视安装工的私人助理。

    Startups are known for their lavish and often ridiculous perks , from acupuncture to personal chefs , rock rooms to ball pits , even assistants who wait for the cable guy on your behalf .

  24. 实施力量训练方案,一周两到三次。你得准备一个健身球跟一个五到八磅重的实心球。

    How it works Do this strength plan , designed by trainer and Shape contributing editor Lisa Wheeler , two or three times a week . You 'll need a stability ball and a set of5-to8-pound weights .

  25. 他们能把健身实心球掷得很远。

    They can throw the medicine ball very far .

  26. 他擅长投健身实心球。

    He is good at medicine ball throwing .

  27. 据《纽约每日新闻》报道,丹尼尔和莫林表示,儿子遗言中提到的“恶霸”在圣天使天主教学校经常让他难堪——比如上健身课时把球扔到他身上,或者是辱骂他。

    Daniel and Maureen claim the " bullies " mentioned in his note embarrassed him at Holy Angels Catholic Academy - throwing balls at him in gym class and calling him names , according to the Daily News .

  28. 我一有时间就去健身和打乒乓球。

    I go to fitness training and play ping pong whenever I can .

  29. 宾馆拥有健身中心、乒乓球室、桌球室、美容美发中心等众多康体娱乐设施、让您全面体验休闲健康新生活。

    For relaxation and fitness , the hotel offers a well-equipped gymnasium with exercise equipment , table tennis , billiard and chess .

  30. 酒店的康乐项目丰富多彩,拥有开放式室内恒温游泳池、健身中心、乒乓球室、台球房、室外网球场、桑拿、足浴等设施。

    Our hotel offers a wide range of recreational activities including indoor constant-temperature swimming pool , gymnasia , billiard room , ping-pong room , outdoor tennis court , sauna and reflexology .