
  • 网络Powerlifting;Power Lifting;Pover;JOL
  1. 观察脾虚证模型小鼠肝、脾、肾、胸腺等脏器组织形态学的变化及强肌健力口服液对其修复作用。

    To observe the morphologic changes of organs in mice with spleen deficiency and the effect of Qiangji Jianli Oral Liquid ( QJOL ) .

  2. 目的:观察强肌健力口服液对实验性脾虚证小鼠蛋白质合成的影响。

    AIM : To investigate effect of the Qiangji Jianli oral liquid ( QJOL ) on the protein synthesis ( PS ) of mice with spleen deficiency syndrome .

  3. 用正交试验设计对中药“健力方”的制备工艺进行优选,得到质量可靠、稳定、符合试验研究目的任务的最佳配方。

    By using the orthogonal experimental design , the author makes optimum selection on preparation of jian li fang , obtains qualified , steady and in accordance with research objects .

  4. 本论文选取《邓铁涛医案与研究》一书的重症肌无力医案(不包括只用强肌健力饮的病案),一共122诊,用药88味,中药使用次数1596次。

    This thesis is based on the medical records of Myasthenia Gravis in the book ( with the exclusion of those treated by Qiang Ji Jian Li oral liquid only ), which are composed of 122 cases , 88 drugs , 1596 times of drugs used .

  5. 杰夫:欧洲练功,一般都重在器械。讲求健、力、美。

    Jeff : the European style exercises generally focuses on equipment and pays attention to healthy , strong and handsome qualities .

  6. 健美操作为我国一个新兴项目,它起源与生活,来源于人类对健、力、美、的追求。

    Bodybuilding operating for our new project , it is the origin of life , from the pursuit of human health , power , beauty .

  7. 它既注意外在美的锻炼,又强调内在美的培养,明显地反映了健、力、美等本质属性。

    It not only pays attention to build outward beauty but also inward reflections , which obviously embodies essential attributes of health , strength and beauty .

  8. 竞技健美运动是表现人体外形健、力、美的体育项目,是一门人体修塑的体育学科。

    Competitive Aerobic exercise is the performance of the human body shape health , power , beauty of sports , a human body are plastic repair of PE subjects .

  9. 竞技健美操是一项融音乐、操化动作、难度、表演为一体,以健、力、美为运动特征的运动项目。

    Aerobic Gymnastics is a kind of sport combined with Music , Movement pattern , Element , and Performance , in health , power , the United States for the exercise characteristics .

  10. 结果:应力集中区均位于健侧腭部基托的近前牙区,健侧后牙受力均匀;

    RESULTS : The area of stress concentration of the two prostheses were on the palatal base near the position of the anterior teeth . the stress was on the posterior teeth of the healthy side .