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  • argue/reason with
  1. 从宏观理论上论图书馆的采访工作

    Discussion about the covering works of library by macro - theory

  2. 要是能够在柜台上论斤称着买就好了。

    If only it could be bottled and sold across the counter .

  3. 从性质上论,过去自然是可以改变,然而还没有人改变得了它。

    And yet the past , though of its nature alterable , never had been altered .

  4. 本文从理论上论征了半挠性单级叶轮转子的动力特性,以及在工程上的处理方法。

    This paper demonstrates the dynamic properties of Semi-flexible LAVAL rotors through theoretical analysis the correct conduct in engineering is discussed .

  5. 再次,王船山还从价值论上论诚。“诚”作为一种道德修养的最高境界,它是真、善、美的统一体。

    He said sincerity is a highest value and it is a synthetic system of the true , the good and the beautiful .

  6. 从而就突破宋明理学单纯从道德理性上论人性,而强调人性所具有的在知识理性、艺术和审美活动方面的追求。

    The thought breaks through the Neo-Confucianism , which discusses the human nature from only the moral reason , and emphasizes the features of human nature in pursuing rational knowledge , art and aesthetic activities .

  7. 向量空间接入结构上信息论安全的可验证秘密分享

    Information-Theoretical Secure Verifiable Secret Sharing on Vector Space Access Structures

  8. 走在梦中的道路上&论沈从文和他的中国梦

    Going on the Road in a Dream & On Shen Cong-wen and His China Dream

  9. 算子代数上同调论进展

    Advances in cohomology of operator algebras

  10. 在实践上,论析全球化时代的两制新格局下,社会主义国家的宗教政策应有哪些新的适应性调整等。

    In practice , try to analyze what new adaptation should be done on religious policy of Socialist Countries under a new pattern of " two systems " in the era of globalization .

  11. 报道了100TW超短脉冲钛宝石激光装置上相对论强度激光-固体靶相互作用中超热电子的能谱测量,获得了靶前法线和靶后激光传输方向超热电子能谱。

    Hot electron spectrum in the interaction of relativistic laser with solid target was measured in this experiment , and hot energy spectrum in front normal direction and rear laser propagation direction were obtained .

  12. 以向量空间接入结构上信息论安全的一个可验证秘密分享方案为基础,提出了适应于这类接入结构的一个安全高效的分布式密钥生成协议。

    On the foundation of an information theoretic secure verifiable secret sharing scheme over vector space access structures , a secure and efficient distributed key generation protocol over this kind of access structures is presented .

  13. 而在祭祀祀谱上,论定某王为直系与旁系的标准大致有二,即是否传子为王和嫡系中的一世一王。

    Spectrum in the ritual worship , the king of setting a standard for the direct and collateral are basically two , that is , whether the son is the King and I , a direct descendant of the king .

  14. 最后,在自适应模糊PID控制器的基础上加入变论域的思想设计了一种变论域自适应模糊PID控制器,仿真结果表明该变论域自适应模糊PID控制器控制效果优于PID控制器和自适应模糊PID控制器。

    Finally , on the basis of the self-adaptive fuzzy PID controller , add to the idea of variable universe and design a variable universe self-adaptive fuzzy PID controller .

  15. RHIC和LHC上的相对论性重离子实验的一个主要目标就是寻找这种新的物质形态&夸克胶子等离子体。

    One of main objects of ultra-relativistic heavy ion collisions experiments at RHIC and LHC is to discover this kind of new state of matter-quark gluon plasma .

  16. 历史上关于本体论的探讨一直延续至今。

    The discussion about ontology in history has continued until now .

  17. 在局部紧空间上的测度论中,正则性是一个比较重要的概念。

    Generalization of the Arrow-Barankin-Blackwell theorem in a locally convex space ;

  18. 一种弱谓词逻辑上的集合论

    The set theory over a kind of weak predicate logical system

  19. 论倾销的认定(上)略论劳动力资源

    On the defining of dumping Brief Discussion on Labour Force Resources

  20. 土地市场诚信缺失的原因分析(上)&论体制、产权、制度生成路径与政府职能

    Analysis on the Causes of Honesty Shortage in Land Market

  21. 论中国现代喜剧思想史上的主观论取向

    On Subjectivism in the Ideological History od Modern Chinese Comedy

  22. 我们在上周谈论了何时以及如何修剪植物。

    We talked last week about when and how to prune plants .

  23. 从《夜》到《太阳照在桑干河上》&论丁玲创作中期思想的变化

    On the change of Ding Ling 's thought in her middle period of creation

  24. 马克思主义实践观的确立与哲学史上的本体论革命

    The Establishment of Marxist View of Practice and the Ontological Revolution in Philosophical History

  25. 走在解放的途中(上)&论德国女性电影导演玛格蕾特·封·特洛塔早期五部电影创作主题的独特女性主义视角

    Ideology and Feminist Film Theory On the Road to Liberation & the Unique Feminist Visions

  26. 公法哲学意义上的契约论

    Contract Theory in Philosophy of Public Law

  27. 价值论从哲学的意义上研究价值论,具有悠久历史的、作为哲学分支之一的伦理学亦如此。

    Axiology studies values from the point of view of philosophy , so does ethics .

  28. 正是在这个意义上,语境论真理观成为新的选择。

    In this sense , the contextual theories of truth do become the new choice .

  29. 舞台机械台上机械简论

    On over-stage machinery in theater

  30. 首先,从理论上证明优选论对语言模糊现象有较强的解释力。

    The first one is to prove persuasive force of OT at a theoretical level for interpreting vagueness .