
  • 【电影】Eye of God
  1. 它也称为天眼(“上帝之眼”),位于中国西南部贵州省的深山里,呈盘状,有30个足球场那么大。

    It is also called Tian-yan ( " The Eye of Heaven " ) , with a dish the sire of 30 football grounds , deep in the mountains of southwest China 's Guizhou Province .

  2. 英国《每日电讯报》称天文学家最近在宇宙深处拍摄到了一个壮观的星云(见图),并命名为“上帝之眼”。

    Astronomers have taken a stunning photo of a nebula ( see photo ) and called it the Eye of God , according to the UK 's Daily Telegraph .

  3. 针鼹鼠:是的,要到达珊瑚之树,就要沿着鲸鱼和鳍和上帝之眼,绝不要偏离这些星星,现在去吧!

    Echidna : And they will . Now , to reach the Tree , keep between the whale 's Fin and the Eye of Glaux . Never go outside those stars . Now , go !

  4. 那只眼睛代表上帝的不朽之眼以及置精神于物质之上的美德。

    The eye represents the eternal eye of God and the virtue of putting the spiritual above the material .