
  • 网络netbook;Net-book;dell;UMPC;acer
  1. 不能简单安装ChromeOS-你必须购买一个新的上网本

    You Can 't Just Install Chrome OS-You Have to Buy a New Netbook

  2. 目前Google正与制造商合作来制定新的上网本硬件标准以支持其速度和安全上的需求。

    Google is currently working with manufacturers to elaborate a new set of netbook hardware which comply with their speed and security needs .

  3. 买这种电脑的人不会付给微软公司好几百美元安装Office软体,而只会使用相同的线上软体,正如“上网本”这个名字所暗示的那样。

    The people who buy them don 't load Office and pay Microsoft hundreds of dollars for the privilege .

  4. •PC上网本出货量下滑13.1%,总数为5050万部。

    • Notebook PC shipments contracted by 13.1 % to a total of 50.5 million units .

  5. 诺基亚的这款上网本名叫boodlet3G,将于10月22日发售。

    Nokia starts taking orders on the booklet 3G beginning October 22th .

  6. 上网本什么都不如。上网本速度缓慢,屏幕显示差,运行的是笨拙的PC程序。

    Netbooks aren 't better than anything , they are slow , they have low quality displays and they run clunky PC software .

  7. 而由于向上网本提供的操作系统的价格远低于标准的笔记本电脑,微软Windows系统的平均售价已见下降。

    And with prices far lower than for standard laptops , Microsoft has already seen an erosion in the average price it gets for Windows .

  8. 比如,微软已经反复地演示Windows7在那些低性能上网本上的运行,换作是Vista的话本子就该瘫痪了。

    For instance , Microsoft has repeatedly demonstrated Windows 7 working on low-powered netbooks that choked on Vista .

  9. 这款上网本运行win7系统,拥有10英寸高清显示屏,GPS导航芯片和12小时待机时间电池。

    It will run Microsoft 's new Windows 7 software , have a ten-inch screen and a GPS navigation chip and a 12-hour battery life .

  10. 使用照相机,接近学生PC,英特尔的项目为孩子或其他笔记本电脑上网本的对象,可跟踪。

    Using cameras , the objects near a Classmate PC , Intel 's Netbook for kids project , or other laptops , can be tracked .

  11. 人们(尤其是作为目标人群的主流上网本用户)是否做好了转换的准备了呢?ChromeOS本身可以带来舒适、无缝对接的转换体验吗?

    And more importantly , is the technology itself ready to make the change a comfortable and seamless experience ?

  12. 在低端领域,大多采用价格低廉、利润率不高的windows版本的上网本,占据了个人电脑销售的11%。

    At the low end , netbooks , which mostly run inexpensive and less profitable versions of windows , account for 11 per cent of PC sales .

  13. 据巴克莱资本(BarclaysCapital)估计,明年平板电脑销量将达到3100万台(其中,iPad销量为2100万台),将超过上网本2500万台的发货量。

    Barclays Capital estimates that next year tablet sales of 31m ( including 21m iPads ) will surpass netbook shipments of 25m .

  14. 同时Google还希望上网本再大一点以支持标准的全尺寸键盘和更好用的触摸板。

    Also , Google requests the netbooks to be made a bit larger to accommodate a standard size keyboard and to have better mouse pads .

  15. 2007年,华硕推出了首款上网本(迷你笔记本电脑)EeePC。

    In 2007 Asus unveiled the Eee PC - the first netbook , or miniature laptop .

  16. 由于大多数上网本不具备运行WindowsVista代码的能力,微软只得使用老版的WindowsXP系统。

    With most netbooks incapable of running the Windows Vista code , it was forced to use the older Windows XP operating system .

  17. 对于上网本的消费者来说,这尤其是一个问题,因为几乎所有的上网本配置的都是XP。

    This is a particular problem for buyers of netbooks , nearly all of which come with XP .

  18. 要想让运行时成功登录移动设备和上网本还需要对内存与CPU的使用量进行诸多改进。

    Much of the work to make the runtime viable on mobile devices and netbooks has been around improving both memory consumption and CPU usage .

  19. 上网本,甚至是一些笔记本电脑和台式电脑采用的都是略显逊色的英特尔Atom处理器,它可能在处理某些任务时会遇到麻烦。

    Netbooks , and even some laptops and desktops , come with a much wimpier processor called the Intel Atom , which struggles at some tasks .

  20. 当时,业内高管预计将有数十款智能本陆续上市,并宣称,这种新技术将挑战上网本作为个人电脑(PC)行业增长最迅速市场的地位。

    Industry executives were predicting that dozens of models would hit the market , claiming that the new technology would challenge netbooks as the fastest-growing segment of the PC industry .

  21. 欢迎收看今天的TechBytes,世界最大手机制造商宣布将在美国发售自己的首款上网本。

    In today 's Tech Bytes , the world 's largest cellphone maker is said to release its first laptop in the US .

  22. 虽然传统意义上一般认为上网本的崛起对微软的Windows业务造成了很大的影响,不过有微软官员周二表示,低价上网本的崛起其实是一件好事。

    Although the conventional wisdom is that the rise of the Netbook is hurting the Windows business , a Microsoft executive said Tuesday that lower-cost laptops can actually be a good thing .

  23. 现在,需要观察的是,购买iPad的人是否会再买上网本。

    Now , it remains to be seen if people who buy an iPad will do so instead of buying a netbook .

  24. 与此同时,上网本以及后来的iPad等平板电脑成为热门产品,个人电脑和笔记本电脑的增速因此放慢。

    Meanwhile , netbooks and then the iPad and other tablets became hot items , slowing growth rates for PCs and laptops .

  25. 它只是一个10寸的显示屏加触摸屏,连接到一个成本更低的ARM处理器架构上,此外还有一些传感器(如GPS、感应器、摄像头等),和比上网本小一号的电池。

    It is a 10-inch screen attached to a cheaper ARM processor architecture , smaller battery , a few sensors ( like GPS , accelerometers , camera ) and a touch screen .

  26. 华硕推出上网本之际,微软正对WindowsVista感到洋洋得意。这个庞大而繁杂的操作系统需要大量内存和性能强大的芯片。

    This coincided with Microsoft 's moment of hubris with the bloated and troubled Windows Vista , which required lots of memory and a powerful chip .

  27. 这是第一个主要为流行的上网本提供的发行版,,如对华硕的EeePC的支持。

    It was the first major distribution that offered out-of-the box support for popular netbooks , such as ASUS Eee PC.

  28. 随着3G时代的到来,目前3G手机和基于3G技术的上网本越来越流行。

    As the 3rd Generation mobile communications technology raise , the current 3G cell phones and internet-notebook base on 3G technology is becoming more and more popular .

  29. 由于移动设备与上网本的内存和处理器资源非常有限,我们必须想尽一切办法对FlashPlayer进行优化。

    As we move into technologies with very limited memory and processing resources , Flash Player had to become as optimized as possible to get out of the way of your content .

  30. 现在,最便宜和最酷的电脑是“上网本”,只卖250美元左右,作业系统要么是linux的免费版本,要么是非常便宜的windows老版本。

    The cheapest and coolest computers today are ' netbooks , ' which sell for as little as $ 250 and either ship with free versions of Linux or super-cheap old versions of windows .