
  • Internet Cafe;Cyber Cafe;Internet Café
  1. 你常去网咖吗?

    A : Do you go to the internet cafe very often ?

  2. 然而,哈里王子和马克尔女士可能会因曝出的这些信息而感到尴尬。据透露,马克尔先生暗自摆拍的照片显示了他为婚礼套装“量定尺寸”以及在一家网咖中浏览有关他的女儿和女王的孙子的文章的场景。

    Both Prince Harry and Miss Markle however , are likely to be embarrassed by the revelations that Mr Markle secretly posed for pictures showing him being ' measured " for his wedding suit and browsing articles about his daughter and the Queen 's grandson in an internet cafe .

  3. 网咖条例的用意是要遏止青少年荒废学业。

    The regulations hope to stem teenagers from neglecting their studies .

  4. 这些生意兴隆的网咖提供上网或玩电动的管道。

    These booming businesses provide access to the Internet and video games .

  5. 北京一家网咖内,几名年轻人正在玩电脑。(照片:美联社)

    Young men work at computers in an Internet cafe in Beijing .

  6. 网咖现在很受年轻人的喜爱。

    Internet cafes are now very popular with young people .

  7. 我到网咖上网。

    I access the internet in the cyber cafe .

  8. 并在网咖的洗手间你妈和我互联了。

    In the restrooms of that cyber cafe , dad connected to mom .

  9. 网咖里很多人都在玩线上游戏。

    There are lots of people enjoying playing online games in the cyber cafe .

  10. 由于我的电脑坏掉了,我必须到网咖。

    Since my PC broke , I had to go to the cyber cafe .

  11. 网咖是其实是个大统舱,一排排的电脑,每排上百部。

    The " caf é" was an undivided room holding rows of one hundred computers .

  12. 寇特妮:中国今年不允许开设新网咖!

    Courtney : China won 't be allowing any new Internet cafes to open this year !

  13. 嘿,他可能利用网咖,我会检查小溪及附近的地区。

    Hey-he could have used an Internet cafe . I 'll check little creek and his neighborhood .

  14. 因为一些人的恶性竞争,在网咖玩电玩并不是件有趣的事。

    It 's no fun to play online games at Internet cafes because of the dog-eat-dog competitiveness of some people .

  15. 网咖还提供免费的饮料,以便人们可渴时不用离开。

    The cyber cafe also offers free drinkings in order that people don 't have to leave when they are thirsty .

  16. 同样地,别贪玩而荒废学业!网咖条例的用意是要遏止青少年荒废学业。

    Also , don 't have so much fun that you forget to study ! The regulations hope to stem teenagers from neglecting their studies .

  17. 但是孟买的警方正计划对网咖进行监控,此举遭到了不少人的谴责,认为这开了个不好的先例。

    But police in Bombay are planning to monitor cybercafes , a move some are decrying as excessive regulation that could create a dangerous precedent .

  18. 网咖专有服务:经验值提升50%,增加掉落物品机机率50%,死亡惩罚经验值减少50%。

    PC Cafe premium service : exp increased by50 % , item drop rate increased by50 % , exp penalty from death reduced by50 % .

  19. 寇特妮:我很难过,因为我家旁就有人在建新网咖!这样我还是得走到好几条街外的网咖!

    Courtney : I 'm sad because someone was building one next to my house ! Now I 'll have to walk a few blocks to get to one !