
  • 网络Network effect;network externalities;Net Effect
  1. 这也体现了一些自信,激励用户在您的Web站点中增强网络效应。

    And this is the sort of confidence that motivates users to boost the network effect on your Web site .

  2. 对于基于web2.0的交友服务而言,建立强大的用户基础和引发“网络效应”可能尤其至关重要。

    Establishing a large user base and generating a " network effect " can be particularly crucial for Web 2.0 social services .

  3. 一般认为,网络效应的存在,会使市场在位者拥有用户基础(installedbase)上的先行优势。

    It is generally believed that the existence of network effect will give the incumbent " first-mover advantage " on installed base .

  4. 基于网络效应的电信运营商IM市场竞争研究

    The Research on IM Market Competition of Telecom Operators Based on Network Effects Theory

  5. 网络效应显著,就是ICT产业所具有的一个经济特征之一。

    Network effect is one of those charateristics in ICT industry .

  6. 在ICT产业中,具有明显的网络效应。

    The network effect is especially prominent in ICT industry .

  7. 云计算遵循收益递增(increasingreturns)法则,这一法则有时也被称为网络效应(Networkeffect),即随着网络发展壮大,网络价值也会以更快的速度增加。

    Cloud computing obeys the law of increasing returns , sometimes called the network effect , which holds that the value of a network increases much faster as it grows bigger .

  8. 其实这也不是什么正当理由,因为,作为一个几近垄断的个人电脑软件平台,其网络效应已经让Windows不容易改变了。

    This is not really an excuse , since Windows has become entrenched by the network effect of being a near-monopoly software platform for personal computers .

  9. 那么现在,更要紧的是熟悉度和网络效应,比如某些软件包不支持Linux。

    Now , it 's more a matter of familiarity and network effects , such as specific software packages that don 't support Linux .

  10. 技术标准合作,充分发挥了ICT产业网络效应明显的产业特征。

    Technical standard cooperation in ICT industry makes the distinct feature of network effect fully function .

  11. 搭建贡献共享式数据库的重要性。由于网络效应,在这种数据库中,第N个贡献者将导致数据资产的价值呈现非线性增长。

    The power of creating contributory databases , where the value of the Nth contributor leads to a non-linear increase in the value of the data asset due to network effects .

  12. 但天上没有掉馅饼的事。云计算遵循收益递增(increasingreturns)法则,这一法则有时也被称为网络效应(networkeffect),即随着网络发展壮大,网络价值也会以更快的速度增加。

    But it will come at a price . Cloud computing obeys the law of increasing returns , sometimes called the network effect , which holds that the value of a network increases much faster as it grows bigger .

  13. 根据实证分析结果,从网络效应、服务质量、互补产品三方面为3G运营商提出建议。

    According to the theoretical and empirical analysis of the market , this paper proposes suggestions of 3G service : network effect , service quality , complementary products .

  14. 在安德里森看来,Skype是一块璞玉,一家有史以来少数能产生网络效应的科技公司之一。

    To Andreessen , Skype was a potential gem & one of the few great network-effect tech companies ever created .

  15. 由于实现兼容或互联性可以实现更大的网络效应,在ICT产业标准形成过程中,合作往往是最明智的选择。

    Because compatibility and correlation can help realize maximum effect of network , in the course of standard formation , cooperation is the wisest option .

  16. Etsy、Airbnb、Uber和Thumbtack都是使用网络效应,打造可持续业务的新兴企业。

    Etsy , airbnb , Uber , thumbtack are all emerging businesses using network effects to build sustainable businesses .

  17. 不过,与其他任何优秀平台一样,MSDOS的价值在于其网络效应。

    Like any good platform , however , MSDOS was only as valuable as its network .

  18. 在ICT产业中,由于其自身所具有的技术含量高、技术复杂程度高、技术更新速度快、技术兼容性及网络效应显著等特点,技术标准在ICT产业中的地位和作用更加突出。

    Besides the network effect , the ICT industries is also characterized by high technologies with complex , fast-changing and compatibility , so the technical standard functions are much more outstanding and distinct .

  19. 由于ICT产业具有网络效应、收益递增、系统结构和路径依赖等特点,使得ICT产业的技术标准联盟运行机理与传统的战略联盟存在着不同之处。

    Because the ICT industry has network effects , increasing returns , system structure and path dependence and other characteristics , the coopetition strategy of technological standards alliance is different from traditional competitive strategy alliance .

  20. 这也许超出了您所认同的范围,因为滥用信息确实是个问题,但这却是构成Wikipedia网络效应的庞大部分。

    This is perhaps farther than you 'd be willing to go because abuse is truly a problem , but it is a tremendous part of Wikipedia 's network effect .

  21. 在此章将解释、定义并讨论如何使用在ICT行业需求分析常用的理论概念,如网络效应,替代效应,转换成本,消费者嗜好的异质性等。

    This chapter first explains and defines some theoretical concepts which have been commonly used in previous ICT industry consumer demand analysis such as network effects , substitution effects , switching costs , and heterogeneity of consumer tastes .

  22. 仿生涂层具有良好的耐磨性能是硬质相效应、IPN互穿网络效应和仿生效应三者共同作用的效果。其次,研究了表面凹坑分布率对仿生涂层耐磨性能的影响。

    The interaction of hard phase effect , interpenetrating polymer networks effect and bionic effect made the bionic structure coating have a good wear resistance . Secondly , the impact of pits distribution rate on wear resistance of bionic coating was studied .

  23. 企业内部环境信息化的网络效应动力学研究

    Dynamics of Network Effects to the Interior Environment of Enterprise Informationization

  24. 网络效应与进入壁垒:以微软反垄断诉讼案为例

    Network Effect and Entry Barriers : the Lawsuit of Microsoft Antitrust

  25. 受网络效应推动,社交网络的发展应该会日益蓬勃。

    Social networks should be incredibly robust because of network effects .

  26. 正如社交层面一样,网络效应总是至关重要的。

    Just as in the social sector , network effects will matter .

  27. 类似的,网络效应也使云身份受益匪浅。

    Similarly , the network effect dramatically benefits cloud identity .

  28. 网络效应、新产品进入和政策分析

    Network Effect , Entrant of New Product and Policy Analysis

  29. 如何实现知识扩散的网络效应呢?

    How to realize the network effects of the diffusion of knowledge ?

  30. 中国移动通信市场扩散中的网络效应作用研究

    The Role of Network Effects in the Diffusion of China Mobile Telecommunications