
  1. 信用卡积分兑换系统实现了将商业银行传统的信用卡申请业务流程信息化和网络化,节省了信用卡客户兑换业务的时间。

    The credit card points exchange system to achieve a traditional commercial bank credit card application business processes , information and networking , saving the time of credit card customers to exchange business .

  2. 科研项目信息化管理的主要目的是实现项目管理各个环节之间的信息互通,以及相关信息系统之间的信息交换和信息共享,并能将业务流程信息化处理,实现业务实时监控和实时处理。

    The main object is to realize information communication between each link of the project management and information exchange and sharing among the corresponding information systems , informationize the business process and supervise and control it in real time .

  3. 从优化业务流程谈信息化管理

    Discussion to the Info Management Based on Optimizing the Work Flow

  4. 最后对上海港集装箱码头企业的信息化建设现状、特别是对码头企业信息化关键部分的码头生产系统进行了介绍和分析,指出了为达到业务流程优化信息化建设努力的方向。

    Finally , it analyzes the present status of information of Shanghai port , especially the production system , which is the key part of information construction .

  5. 在实施企业信息化项目的过程中,人们逐步认识到业务流程在信息化项目中的重要性,业务流程重组是完成企业管理模式和组织变革的有效手段。

    In the process of enterprise informationization projects , people gradually realize the importance of business process in the informationization projects , and business process reengineering is the effective means to complete the change of enterprise management model and organization .

  6. 在业务流程管理以信息化的方式进行固化的过程中,不可避免的涉及到对旧有信息系统的集成。

    The business process management to information-based approach to curing process , inevitably involves the integration of legacy information systems .

  7. 这些问题主要涉及物料库存控制、供应商管理、采购业务流程、采购信息化等方面。

    These problems are closely related to control of material storage , management of suppliers , purchase operation process , and management of purchase information and so on .

  8. 基于业务流程再造的医院信息化管理研究

    The Informationization Management Study of Hospital Based on BPR Theory

  9. 业务流程再造:企业信息化建设的关键

    Reconstruction of Business Flow - Key to the Construction of Enterprises ' Informatization

  10. 近年来,业务流程再造和企业信息化成为众多企业变革、创新的焦点。

    In recent years , reconstruction of business flow and enterprises ' informatization has become the focus for enterprises ' reform and innovation .

  11. 论文首先介绍了论文研究的理论基础:业务流程重组理论、信息化阶段划分理论-诺兰模型、企业信息化规划。

    At the beginning , the paper introduces the theory basis for research , including BPR theory , ITA phase theory - Nolan Model , and ITA planning .

  12. 随着计算机的迅速普及和网络在社会生活各个方面的日益深入,工作流技术已经成为协调业务流程、增加企业信息化自动化的重要技术。

    With the rapid popularization of computers and networks in various aspects of social life , workflow technology has become the coordination of business processes and increase automation of enterprise information technology .

  13. 本文主要从集团内部需求出发,结合企业现行管理流程,规划出符合集团实际业务流程运作模式的信息化管理应用平台。

    This article mainly from the hope group internal demand , and combining the current enterprise management process and planning for the actual business process operation model group of information management application platform .

  14. 随着医疗制度的改革与发展,医院业务流程已基本实现信息化,医疗保险和社会保险也正快速的实现着信息化的过程。

    With the reform and development of the health care system , hospital business processes has already embraced the information technology , medical insurance and social insurance are also in rapid processes of informatization .

  15. 企业可以根据自身业务的需求,选择最适合的业务流程,加速信息化进程。

    Enterprises can according to their own business needs , choose the most appropriate business processes , accelerating the process of informatization .

  16. 本系统通过对社区医疗服务业务的全面了解和仔细调研,依照管理学的思想,优化整合社区医疗服务的业务流程,并采用信息化技术,实现了社区医疗服务信息办公和管理系统。

    After careful research and a comprehensive understanding of the business community medical services , we develop a community health services OA system . By taking methods from contemporary management , our system optimizes the operating procedure and integrates the health service and the management system .