
  • 网络Business organization;Business Group;Orchestation;Business Grop
  1. 联邦,是因为Agility™是由分配给企业内外自治、合作的业务组织的IT资源构成的。

    Federated , because Agility ™ is constructed from IT resources that are assigned by autonomous , cooperating , business parties within and beyond the enterprise .

  2. ITIL的质量评价方法,需要业务组织去描述,它对应用软件提供服务的预期要求。

    ITIL 's approach to quality requires that the business state its expectations for the service it receives from an application .

  3. 通过ERP系统优化企业内部结构&规范管理,提高各业务组织运行协作能务,降低企业运行成本,实现数据统一与共享,从而提高企业管理效益,是企业创造财富的源泉。

    By applying ERP system , it streamlines the internal structure of enterprises , regularizes management , improves operation cost of enterprises , realizes data unity and sharing , thereby improving management effectiveness and benefit of enterprises , which are the resources of enterprises making profits .

  4. 商业银行债券业务组织管理体系研究

    Study on the System of Organization Administration in Commercial Banks Bond Business

  5. 系统原理体现在业务组织、规划计划、文献服务系统中;

    Systematic principle is embodied in work organization , plan and literature service ;

  6. 我们所属于的业务组织

    The business organization we belong to

  7. 加强业务组织和宣传是小额支付系统业务推广的重要措施。

    Strengthening the organizing work and the propaganda is an important measure of popularizing the small-amount payment system .

  8. 组织模式表现在组织主体、组织边界和业务组织等三个方面,良好的共用性财产权利组织模式是解决共用性问题的根本和关键。

    It is the key to solve the railway commonage problem by the favorable property right organization mode .

  9. 开发团队想要进行迭代但是已经证明了当前解决方案对业务组织的适用性。

    The development team wishes to iterate but has yet to prove the appropriateness of the approach to the business community .

  10. 关于中国科学院文献情报系统业务组织模式的再思考&兼与孙坦、刘细文两位先生商榷

    Rethinking of the Professional Organization Pattern of the Library and Information System in the CAS & Discussing with Mr. Sun Tan and Mr. Liu Xiwen

  11. 此政策适用于阿尔卡特朗讯中国区的所有业务组织、区域和职能部门,并适用于公司的所有员工、管理人员及高层主管。

    This policy applies to all business groups , regions and corporate functions , and to all employees , officers and directors of Alcatel-Lucent China .

  12. 同时,张以达训练合唱团所总结的业务组织管理,对他的合唱训练起到了良好的辅助作用。

    At the same time , the business organization of management summarized by Zhang Yida training Chorus has a good assistant effect on his chorus training .

  13. 如何提高其业务组织水平,充分发挥其效益,关键是建设、应用好数据库。

    How to improve its regular organization efficiency and fully develop its effectiveness , the main issues are to construct and to use the databases very well .

  14. 从吉林省电子政务的业务组织结构、功能需求、应用总体结构三个方面对吉林省电子政务知识管理系统的需求进行分析。

    From jilin e-government business organization structure , functional requirements , application general structure , three aspects of jilin province e-government of knowledge management system needs analysis .

  15. 这种转变要求公司重新考虑他们的业务组织,并通过一些新的思路思考以云为中心的IT世界中的服务交付。

    This transition is forcing companies to rethink their business organization and to develop new ways of thinking about the delivery of services in a cloud-centric IT world .

  16. 通过分析矩阵结构的产生背景和主要优点,指出矩阵结构的运用符合数字化环境对图书馆业务组织所提出的新要求。

    After analyzing its background and main merits , the paper points out that the application of matrix structure can meet the requirements of digital environment to library service .

  17. 建立了基于协同式空间信息工作流技术的应用系统的总体框架,分析了工作流应用系统底层功能的支撑模块及业务组织模式。

    Establish the overall framework of the collaborative spatial information workflow technology-based application system . The underlying functionality support modules of workflow applications and business organizational model are discussed .

  18. 作者从文献信息资源管理、信息组织技术、读者服务、业务组织机构和读者教育等方面论述了传统图书馆与数字图书馆的整合。

    Here is a detailed introduction to it from the aspects of documentary information resources management , information organizing technology , reader 's service , professional organism and readers ' education .

  19. 网上银行是建立在网络基础之上的,其运营方式、特点、业务组织方式都有别于传统银行,本章重点就网上银行与传统银行的区别加以阐述。

    The bank on the net is based on the network , its operation mode , character , business organizations is different from the traditional way , this chapter mainly expatiates the differences .

  20. 企业的各项经济和管理活动都离不开内部控制活动,它促使经济单位和各个组织在经济活动中建立的一种相互制约的业务组织形式和职责分工制度。

    The economic and administrative activities of enterprises can not be separated with internal control , it promotes economic units and organizations to establish forms of business organizations with mutual constraints as well as division of responsibility .

  21. 虚拟组织是一种新型的业务组织管理模式,企业或个人之间通过网络建立丌放的、动态组合的虚拟组织来建立相应的合作联盟,并在虚拟组织内部进行协作、协商和资源共享。

    Virtual organization is a kind of new business organization and management model . By creating an open and dynamic virtual organization , companies and individuals can establish appropriate alliances , and collaborative , negotiate , share resource in the virtual organization .

  22. 论述了我国互联网发展的现状,探讨了网络环境对图书馆的信息资源建设、读者服务、业务组织结构、人员素质等方面的影响。

    This paper discusses on the present development of Internet in china , and probes into the influence of the network environment on the construction of information resources , service for readers , professional organizational structure , and the quality of personnel , etc.

  23. 这需要不同于IBM核心业务的组织结构,甚至需要不同的人才。

    They require different organisationalstructures and even different talent for success than IBM 's corebusinesses .

  24. IBMWebSphere技术及其集成解决方案可以解决业务、组织和技术方面的问题。

    IBM WebSphere technology with its integrated solutions can solve business , organizational , and technological problems .

  25. InfoSphereBusinessGlossary(BusinessGlossary)实现了利用可控的术语库来创建、管理、以及共享业务与组织观念的标准定义。

    The InfoSphere Business Glossary ( Business Glossary ) enables you to use a controlled vocabulary to create , manage , and share standard definitions of business and organization concepts .

  26. 在本文提出的体系结构设计方案中,为了与业务的组织功能结构相适应,减轻系统维护与升级的成本与工作量,整个现代货运代理系统采用了B/S分布式架构。

    The designing project of architecture in this paper adopted a distributed network architecture in order to fix in with the systemic function structure , and took usage of B / S calculation structure in order to reduce the cost and work of maintaining and upgrading the system .

  27. 但是在内存业务对象组织与管理中,由于内存的访问速度是极快的,因而本文借鉴MMDB的索引技术,采用新的索引结构&T树。

    For the very fast speed of main memery access , this paper consults the index approach in MMDBs ( Main Memory Databases ) , and adopts a novel index structure - T-tree , in the context of organization and management of main memory business objects .

  28. 日本经济业务农协组织的作法与若干启示

    Some Enlightenments from Japanese Farmers ' Cooperative Organizations for Economic Affairs

  29. 文化导向组织记忆向技术与业务导向组织记忆的辐射效应

    The Radiant Effect of Organizational Memory from Cultural-Oriented to Technical-Operational-Oriented

  30. 这一法则为业务和组织设计所把握。

    This principles holds for business and organization design .