
yè zhǔ dà huì
  • general meeting of proprietors
  1. 试论业主大会和业主委员会的法律定位

    The legal status of the committee of house-owners and convention of house-owners

  2. 未来的发展趋势应是明确业主大会的独立法人地位。

    It is necessary to make clear the independent juridical person status of owners committee .

  3. 其次,着重阐述业主大会和业主委员会的法律地位。

    And then it emphatically describes the position of law of the house-owner convention and committee .

  4. 为了完善业主大会制度,还应该细化《物业管理条例》相关规定。

    The Property Management Statute shall be detailed in order to perfect the house-owner convention system .

  5. 在大会的召集、业主大会决议方法及决议效力方面进行了阐述。

    The calling of owners meeting , the resolution method , effects of vote are stated .

  6. 第四,建立业主大会通信表决机制,解决业主大会开会难的问题。

    Fourth , establish the owners ' congress communication voting system ; solve the difficult problem of the owners ' congress meeting .

  7. 地方人民政府有关部门应当对设立业主大会和选举业主委员会给予指导和协助。

    For the establishment of the owners'assembly and the vote of the owners'committee , the related departments under the local people 's governments shall provide guidance and assistance .

  8. 大部分被调查居民对于居民委员、业主大会和物业公司三个概念都比较模糊,并且无法分清这三者间的关系。

    Most members of the surveyed residents for residents , owners and property companies three concepts are relatively vague , and can not distinguish the relationship between these three .

  9. 业主大会、业主委员会、业主公约以及物业管理企业是物业管理法律制度的核心问题,围绕上述问题产生的纠纷层出不穷。

    House-owner convention , house-owner committee , house-owner covenant and property management enterprises are the keystones of the legal system of property management . Recently , many disputes are produced on those issues .

  10. 业主大会的决议均是关于业主共同事务的决定,从其表决的内容和程序来看,是业主共同意思的表示,对业主具有拘束力。

    Owners of General Assembly resolutions are decided on the owners of common services , content and process of voting from their point of view , the common meaning of the owners said .

  11. 按照法人治理结构的模式,明确业主大会会议为业主自治组织的决策机构、业主委员会为执行机构,并对业主自治组织的形式展开分析。

    Pursuant to the structural mode of legal person government , the owners ' meeting should be the decision-making body of the owners ' autonomy organizations and the owners ' committee should be the executive body .

  12. 业主大会和业主委员会共同构成我国业主自治管理的两大支柱结构,其组织和决议效力都具有一定程度的相似。

    The owners ' assembly and the owners ' committee constituted our country owner autonomy management together of two pillars of structure , its organization and the effect of resolution are similar in a certain degree .

  13. 因此,现阶段必须首先在制度层面上明确建筑物专有部分的确定标准和业主大会及业主委员会的法律地位,尤其是小区停车位和公共绿地的归属问题。

    So , firstly we should build up the standard to confirm the special part of construction and the legal status of owner convention and owner committee , especially about ownership of the parking space and public greenbelt .

  14. 业主大会或者业主委员会作出的决定侵害业主合法权益的,受侵害的业主可以请求人民法院予以撤销。

    In case the legitimate rights and interests of any owner has been injured by any decision made by the owners'assembly or the owners'committee , the injured owner may require the people 's court to cancel the decision .

  15. 摘要业主大会是全体业主的一个集合体,也可称为业主团体,代表和维护物业管理区域内全体业主在物业管理活动中的合法权益。

    Proprietor assembly is an aggregation of all proprietors , it can be named proprietor group , which represents and defends the lawful rights and interests of all proprietors during the estate management behaviors in the estate management areas .

  16. 为了兼顾公平与效率,笔者将管理规约分为由建设单位制订的临时公约和业主大会制订的管理规约两种形式。

    In order to give dual attention fairly with the efficiency , the DMC two forms which author divides into the owner joint pledge draws up by the Development organization the temporary joint pledge which and the House-owner convention draws up .

  17. 一是业主大会及业主委员会的法律地位问题,提出了应该由全体业主自主决定是否将业主大会或业主委员会设立为有民事主体资格的其他组织,并设计了配套的法律制度。

    The first is the legal position of owners ' assembly and owners ' committee . The author proposed that it should be decided by all the owners whether establishing the owners ' assembly and owners ' committee to be another organizations , and designed related provisions .

  18. 由于业主大会、业主委员会的法律定位存在诸多争议,本文的第四部分是对两者的法律地位进行分析,从而减少物业管理的纠纷。

    Because there are many legal disputes on the orientation of the owners of the General Assembly and the owners of the legal status of the Commission , Part IV of this article is to analyze the legal status of the two , thereby reducing the property management disputes .

  19. 《物业管理条例》确立了一系列重要的物业管理制度,对业主及业主大会、前期物业管理、物业管理服务、物业的使用与维护等方面作了明确规定,并明确了相应的法律责任。

    The Regulations Governing Property Management founds a series of important property management systems , and makes clear stipulations for property owners and their representative bodies , initial property management , property management services , usage and maintenance of property , etc , and states their corresponding lawful liabilities .

  20. 提出制定和修改业主公约、业主大会议事规则的建议;

    Presenting suggestions on the formulation and modification of the owners'convention and the rules regarding the owners'congress ;

  21. 业主委员会是业主大会的执行机构,代表业主大会或全体业主的意志。

    The proprietor committee is the actuating mechanism that represents thoughts of the proprietor assembly or the all proprietors .

  22. 业主委员会作为业主大会的执行机构,其重要性是不言而喻的,可以说,业主自治的是否成功主要取决于业主委员会能否有效运行。

    Owners ' committee as the executing agency of the owners ' meeting , its importance is self-evident , it can be said , and the success of owners ' autonomy depends largely on the effective operation of the owners ' committee .

  23. 我国《物业管理条例》将业主委员会界定为业主大会的执行机构。

    " Owners committee " is defined as the executive body of owners mass meeting .

  24. 对于侵害业主合法权益的业主大会决议对受到侵害的业主不发生法律效力。

    Against the legitimate interests of the owners for the owners of the General Assembly resolution on the subject against the owners do not take legal effect .

  25. 业主委员会是由业主大会选举产生,在物业管理活动中代表和维护业主的合法权益的群众自治组织。

    This committee is an self-government organization elected by the owners meeting , and to protect the legal rights and interests in property management activities , which is playing an important role in more and more communities .

  26. 业主委员会是由业主大会选举产生的执行机构,在一个物业治理区域内一般只有一个业主大会,因此也就应该只选举产生一个业主委员会。

    Owner committee is the actuator that arises by owner congress election , there is an owner plenary meeting only commonly inside section of a property management , accordingly also should the election generates an owner commission .

  27. 然而有关业主自治机关的性质、业主大会的召开程序等问题却没有系统的解决,只是很笼统的规定了其所具有的权利和义务。

    But the owner of the nature of the organs of self-government , owner congress held the procedure of the solution of the problem but no system , just very general provisions of is the rights and obligations .

  28. 物业管理中的民事主体包含业主、其它物业使用人、业主大会、业主委员会、物业服务企业、房开商、其它组织。

    Civil legal main bodies contains : the houses ' owners , the owner congress , the owner committee , the property company , the estate company , other organizations .

  29. 其中,业主委员会是特定的民事主体&业主大会的代表机构和执行机构,但又具有形式上的当事人地位,在一定范围内可以自身名义对外实施具体行为。

    Among them , proprietor committee is a special civil body & proprietor meeting 's representative and executive branch , has the party status in form , and can perform concrete conduct in its name within some scope .

  30. 业主委员会应负责在会议召开七天前将业主大会召开日期和内容送达每名业主。

    The proprietors'committee shall be responsible for notifying each proprietor of the date and contents of the proprietors'general meeting prior to7 days before holding of the meeting .