
  1. 最后,提出了完善自然人控股公司治理的对策,为提高上市公司的治理水平提供有价值的实际参考。

    Finally , proposes some countermeasures to consummate natural persons holding corporate , the conclusions and relevant recommendations will provide actual value reference to advance the level of corporation governance of listed companies .

  2. 建议自然人控股公司选好经理人、降低两职兼任度、增加总经理的持股比例,进而降低代理成本,提高公司绩效。

    It is suggested that the natural person controlled company should select right managers , reduce the degree of CEO duality and increase the percentage of CEO holding shares , reduce the agency cost and improve corporate performance .

  3. 根据我国有关法律的规定,私营企业是指由自然人投资设立或由自然人控股,以雇佣劳动为基础的营利性经济组织,主要包括独资、合伙和公司制企业三种类型。

    According to relevant laws in our country , private firms refer to those profit economic organizations based on hiring labors which are invested or taken hold by natural persons , mainly including the sole ownership , partnership and company .