
zì xuán xì tǒnɡ
  • spin system
  1. 一维q态Potts自旋系统的动力学行为研究

    Dynamics of One Dimension and Q State Potts Spin System

  2. 腔QED与海森堡自旋系统中的量子纠缠与信息处理

    Quantum Entanglement and Information Process in Cavity QED and Heisenberg Spin System

  3. 二维自旋系统aging现象的数值模拟研究

    A numerical study on the aging of two-dimensional spin systems

  4. ABC叁自旋系统核磁共振谱的解析Ⅱ.丙烯腈的共振谱

    Analysis of nuclear magnetic resonance spectra ⅱ . the ABC three-spin system of acrylonitrile

  5. Sierpinski铺垫上Gaussian自旋系统的临界动力学研究

    Studies on critical dynamics of Gaussian spin systems on Sierpinski gaskets

  6. 给出了高自旋系统在自旋耦合作用下的演变公式,Z算符在脉冲作用下的变化公式。

    The product operator and { Z } operator evolution formulae were derived under the effect of spin-spin couplings and radio frequency pulses .

  7. 本文提出了一种定义在二维随机格点上的SpinGlass模型&具有±JOFrustration效应的SO(3)自旋系统。

    A new spin glass model defined on the N × N 2-dimensional random lattice with the SO ( 3 ) spin variables is proposed , and .

  8. 稀磁复合Ising自旋系统基态性质

    Property of Diluted Ising Ferrimagnetic Systems

  9. 对确定Ising自旋系统临界点自洽集团方法的改进

    An improvement in self consistent cluster method for determining the critical point in Ising spin system

  10. 本文提出了一种用于描述多脉冲作用下AX自旋系统演化行为的相干图方法。

    A method used for describing the evolution behavior of AX spin system under multipulse sequence is introduced .

  11. Cayley树上混合自旋系统相变和热力学性质的研究

    The Study of Thermodynamic Behavior and Phase Transitions of the Mixed Spin System on Cayley Tree

  12. Berry位相在自旋系统,偏振光,以及原子物理等许多系统中已经得到了广泛的研究。

    Up to now , Berry phase has been found in various systems , such as spins , polarized lights , atoms and so on .

  13.  ̄14N核四极共振自旋系统的自旋-晶格弛豫是一种双指数弛豫。

    The spin - lattice relaxation for a ~ 14N NQR spin system is a dual exponential relax-ation .

  14. 本文方法是自治的,只要能测出单个混合时间的2DNOESY峰强度或混合系数矩阵即可直接求出自旋系统的核间距了。

    This new method is self ? consistent and internuclear distances in spin systems can be determined solely from a 2D NOESY peak intensity or mixing coefficient matrix with a single mixing time .

  15. 在本文中,对于一个具有周期性量子多体自旋系统的有限链,用以MPS为基础的张量网络算法有效地计算单位格点的几何纠缠和冯诺依曼熵。

    In this thesis , we have developed a scheme to efficiently compute the GE per lattice site and von Neumann Entropy for quantum many body spin systems on a periodic finite-size chain in the context of a tensor network algorithm based on the matrix product state representations .

  16. 适合于任意自旋系统的动力学实空间重整化群技术

    Dynamical real-space renormalization group technique suitable for arbitrary spin systems

  17. 随机晶场作用的铁磁自旋系统的临界特性

    Critical properties of ferromagnetic spin system with random crystal field

  18. 固态自旋系统中的量子纠缠和量子相变

    Quantum Entanglement and Quantum Phase Transition in Solid-state Spin Systems

  19. 键稀疏混合不同横场亚铁磁自旋系统的磁学性质

    The magnetic properties of the bond-diluted mixed different transverse fields ferrimagnetic spin system

  20. 无规场作用下的混合自旋系统

    The mixed spin Ising model with a random field

  21. 以自旋系统为工质的量子卡诺制冷循环的优化性能

    The Optimal performance of a quantum Carnot refrigeration cycle working with spin systems

  22. 自旋系统的随机单调性与正相关性

    Stochastic monotonicity and positive correlations of spin systems

  23. 伊辛自旋系统的重正化群研究

    A Renormalization Group Approach for Ising Spin Systems

  24. 自旋系统量子热机循环

    Quantum Heat Engine Cycle Working with Spin System

  25. 准一维海森堡反铁磁自旋系统的数值研究

    Numerical Research on Quasi-one-dimensional Heisenberg Antiferromagnetic Spin System

  26. 一维自旋系统(有限系统)

    One-dimensional spin systems ( finite systems )

  27. 谐振磁场中自旋系统的演化和几何相因子

    Time Evolution of a Particle with Spin-j in an Oscillating Magnetic Field and Geometric Phases

  28. 当能级间隔较小时三能级核四极共振自旋系统对脉冲的响应

    The responses of three energy levels spin system with small energy level separation to pulses

  29. 一维自旋系统的量子纠缠

    The Entanglement of Some 1D Spin Systems

  30. 随机横场与晶场作用的混合自旋系统热力学性质的研究

    Study of the Thermodynamic Properties of Random Transverse Field Mixed Ising Spin System with Crystal Field