
  • 网络natural philosopher;nature philosopher
  1. 在大部分的历史上,科学家和他的先辈们(自然哲学家),一直是一些满腹狐疑的主儿,跟术士、巫师和其他那些玩弄秘术的家伙过从甚密。

    For most of history , the scientist and his predecessor , the natural philosopher , have been characters of suspicion , closely allied with magicians , sorcerers , and other dabblers in arcane arts .

  2. 上至19世纪,自然哲学家是需要自己支付实验设备和物资的。

    Up to the 19th century , natural philosophers were expected to pay for their own equipment and supplies .

  3. 其中,古代自然哲学家对灵魂与肉体关系的探索几乎完全是学者们根据日常经验和零星知识、用思辨对自然界所做的猜测和臆想;

    The first one is ancient natural philosophy on the relation between soul and flesh .

  4. 梭罗是美国19世纪著名的超验主义思想家,自然哲学家和文学家。

    H. D. Thoreau was the famous American transcendentalist , philosopher and writer in the 19th century .

  5. 于是,缘自古希腊自然哲学家的旁观者知识观经苏格拉底等人的维护使接受学习长时间地主导了人类的求知方式(学习方式)。

    The spectator theory of knowledge has prescribed the reception learning as the basic learning style for a long time .

  6. 尽管斯宾塞和现代自然哲学家们已经作了大量分析,我们对道德的理解仍很幼稚肤浅。

    For all the liberal analysis of Spencer and our modern naturalistic philosophers , we have but an infantile perception of morals .

  7. 第二,在考察知识观的源头时,本研究发现旁观者知识观源于古希腊自然哲学家所追求的一切是一的理性沉思。

    Secondly , the author found that the spectator theory of knowledge originated the idea of ' ALL IS ONE ' , which was pursued by the Greek philosophy .

  8. 在讨论世界的本原和逻辑起点问题上,自然哲学家的观点表明,他们实际上走的是从经验到一般的认识路线。

    On the problem of discussing the world-arche and the starting point of logic , the opinion of natural philosophers demonstrated they abided by the cognitive line from experience to generality .

  9. 希腊文化得利于自然哲学家(泰利斯、帕梅尼德斯),早期政治领袖(梭仑),工程学家(伽尔瑟夫农)、和诗人(莎孚、品达),也正在走向其古典文化的顶峰。

    Greek culture was climbing toward its classical peak , thanks to natural philosophers ( Thales , Parmenides ), early political leaders ( Solon ), engineers ( Chersiphron ), and poets ( Sappho , Pindar ) .

  10. 这样一些类似于语言相对主义、不可通约性和语言整体论的问题也是自然语言哲学家们所要面临的问题。

    Those series questions , such as : language relativism , not commensurability and the theory about language integrity are similar questions what the natural language philosophers have to face .

  11. 顺便问问,你是什么,自然学家还是哲学家吗?

    By the way , what are you , a naturalist or a philosopher ?

  12. 卡尔·波普尔不仅是一位科学(自然科学)哲学家,而且是一位社会科学(技术)哲学家。

    Karl Popper is not only a philosopher of science ( natural sciences ), but also a philosopher of social sciences ( technology ) .

  13. 科学观方面,强调了科学研究的动态过程、自然科学家与哲学家联盟的意义以及科学对社会的双重效应。

    In terms of the view of science , he emphasized the dynamic process of scientific research , the significance of the alliance of scientists and philosophers , and the double effect that science has on the society .