
  • 网络Beyond Space;Overcoming distances;hyperspace
  1. 因此它的活动超越空间和时间的局限,而能够立即的到达任何地方。

    Hence it moves beyond spatial and temporal limitations , and reaches anywhere instantly .

  2. 那个情毒能超越空间的距离吗?

    Does an empathy virus work long distance ?

  3. 擅长此道的专家们所能够得到的是无与伦比的、超越空间限制的。

    That which is available to the savant is extraordinary and without dimensional limitation .

  4. 这是一项令人着迷的观测结果,因为当我们最终超越空间站后,特洛伊小行星相对稳定和距离接近的特点使其成为宇航员太空任务的可能目标。

    It is a fascinating observation because the relative stability and proximity of Trojans would make possible targets for astronaut missions when we eventually go beyond the space station .

  5. 动态联盟产品开发组织模式的有效实现是基于企业面向外联网络和内联网络的集成,形成超越空间约束的分散网络、异地协同的设计开发系统。

    An effective Dynamic Alliance is built on the cooperative partnerships within and between enterprises , so as to form a geographically scattered collaboration network for product design and development .

  6. 国家经贸委、工商局又废除一批部门规章在应然层面上,死刑的废除是一个超越空间范畴的问题,在终极意义上,中国应该废除死刑。

    At the aspect of value , the abrogation of the death penalty is a problem that surmounts the space category , on the ultimate end meaning , China should rescind the death penalty .

  7. 然而,径向剃齿刀齿面为超越空间曲面,其齿向曲线是中凹的超越曲线,这种复杂的曲面给径向剃齿刀的磨削加工带来了一定的困难。

    However , tooth shape of plunge shaving cutter is the beyond curved surface , and the tooth curve is the concave beyond curve , which complex surface to the plunge shaving cutter grinding brings some difficulties .

  8. 如今,overshoot意思是超越了空间的界限,或者做得过分。

    Nowadays , it means going past or exceeding the limits of a place or thing of concept .

  9. 其二,超越了空间的零距离情感;

    Second , the zero distance emotion surpasses the space .

  10. 因此,理是超越时间空间的永恒的实体。

    Therefore , the Taoism is the eternal entity which goes beyond time and space .

  11. 美国航天局还在寻找超越国际空间站、超越地球低轨道以外的更遥远的太空目的地。

    NASA is also looking beyond the ISS , beyond low Earth orbit , to more distant destinations in space .

  12. 对这个模型指定极端的参数价值,这个团队能够发现超越时间空间的混沌行为。

    Assigning extreme parameter values to the model , the team was able to find chaotic behavior in space over time .

  13. 仿真试验表明不管SIMO信道是否包含公零点,也不管零点是否在单位圆内,本文算法都表现出超越于子空间法和线性预报法的优良性能。

    Simulations demonstrate its superior performance to the subspace method and linear prediction method whether SIMO channels have common zeros or not and the zeros lie within the unit circle or not .

  14. 它提供超越时间和空间的服务,是传统金融手段无法替代的。

    It provides service transcending time and space , which can not be substituted by other financial means .

  15. 电影中的人物时常感受到超越时间和空间的交叉,以及神秘的联结。

    The characters in the movie are frequently experiencing cross-cutting and mystical connections that transcend time and space .

  16. 文学超越了感性空间的束缚,在纯时间性的内视世界中开拓着完全属于它自己的审美疆域。

    The literature oversteps the obstacle of perceptual space , opens up its own appreciation domain of the beautiful .

  17. 他们的音乐记录了超越时间和空间的人文故事,掀开了亚洲音乐崭新的一页。

    Their music records human stories beyond time and space , opening a new chapter in the Asia music .

  18. 有时候这种努力会创作出永恒的建筑,成为超越时间和空间的艺术品而获得成功;

    Sometimes this effort pays off in the form of a lasting structure - a work that transcends time and place .

  19. 网络的迅猛发展,为21世纪人提供了超越时间和空间的学习领空。

    However , the rapid network development provides people in the 21st century the study areas that are over the time and space .

  20. 书籍、杂志和报纸超越时间和空间的限制,把人类精神髓传播到后代。

    Books , magazines and newspapers are beyond time and space limitations , and spread the essence of the human spirit to later generations .

  21. 秘诀在于懂得自己的本性,尽善尽美得像一个没有写出来的数字,它超越时间和空间,无处不在。

    The trick was to know that his true nature lived , as perfect as an unwritten number , everywhere at once across space and time .

  22. 它独立于可见世界,超越时间和空间,存在于可知世界,是具体的美的事物之所以为美的本源。

    Independent of the visual world , and transcending time and space , it exists in the knowable world as the source making the idiographic beautiful things beautiful .

  23. 政府网络办公就是利用现代信息技术,超越时间、空间的制约,打造一个便捷、高效的网上行政模式。

    Work online in governments refers to setting up a government network operating mechanism with convenience and high efficiency by resorting to modern information technology beyond the limits of time and space .

  24. 文章通过改变运行栈与静态数据区的布局,将运行栈与静态数据区重叠的错误转化为运行栈超越内存地址空间的错误。

    This paper proposes a new method to transforms the error that runtime stack overlaps with the static data sections to the one that runtime stack exceeds the memory space by modifying the layout of runtime stack and static data sections .

  25. 但这种先验的形而上学本质论常常把研究引向对现象界存在的具体事物的抽象规定上,力图由此找到一种超越时间与空间的抽象本质。

    However , this kind of transcendental and metaphysical theory of essence always leads the research to a situation of giving an abstract regulation to a concrete matter which exits in a phenomenal world in order to find an abstract essence which can cross both space and time .

  26. 飞过了一切死亡的大海,超越了时间,空间。

    Has flown all death sea , has surmounted the time , the space .

  27. 但更为重要的是,重复叙事突出了结构的功能,使文本本身成为超越现实的游戏空间,使时间变成永恒,使生命重享宁静的片刻。

    Repeated narration makes this paper become a game space and makes time eternal and makes life enjoys silence .

  28. 本文采用状态平衡方程推导出用超越函数表示的空间索单元切线刚度矩阵的精确表达式。

    The precise tangent stiffness matrix of space cable element is derived in this paper by using equilibrium equation .

  29. 进入信息时代,信息的加速传播,在很大程度上超越了时间和空间的局限,使得对信息的封锁日趋困难,也使得谣言传播无孔不入。

    Into the information age , the acceleration of information transmission has largely beyond the limitations of time and space , this also makes the rumor spread invasive .

  30. 在对技术创新理论回顾基础上,分析区域创新系统和国家创新系统局限性,提出产业集群的创新系统是超越地理限制的空间创新系统。

    After reviewing technical innovation theories , it analyzes limitations of regional innovative system and national innovative system . It puts forward that industrial clusters ' innovative system is a spatial innovative system surmounting geographical limits .