
  • 网络superluminal motion
  1. 类星体和活动星系核结构的变化及其中的视超光速运动,被认为是用VLBI方法所揭示的最重大的天体物理现象之一。

    The structural variations and superluminal motion within some QSSs and AGNs are considered as one of the most important astrophysical phenomena revealed by VLBI .

  2. 通过讨论已有质速关系的方程形式,给出质速关系的等效极坐标方程及其Binet方程,进而给出质速关系及质能关系的几个较为具体的方程形式,包括超光速运动形式。

    By discussing the existent equations of mass-velocity relation , the equivalent polar coordinate equation and its Binet equation of the mass-velocity relation are given , and the expressions of the mass-velocity relation and mass-energy relation are given too , which include the forms of superluminal motion .

  3. 结果表明,基于能量交换方程,能够确立既包含超光速运动,同时又融合Einstein狭义相对论及量子理论有关结论的一致性描述方法。

    As a result , it shows that a ( tentative ) theoretical frame which includes not only the superluminal-velocity motion but consists with Einstein special relativity and quantum theory can be established .

  4. 随后通过建立真空物质能量状态的二个假设,及基于等效Binet方程,给出了与Einstein狭义相对论有关结论相融合的物质粒子以光速及超光速运动的质量及能量方程;

    Subsequently , by forming two hypotheses about the energy state of vacuum matter , and basing on the equivalent Binet equation , the mass equations and the energy equations of the partial moving with light-velocity or superluminal-velocity motion fusing with the results of Einstein special relativity are expressed .

  5. 视超光速运动中核固定与视超光速的统一

    Unified phenomena of fixed nucleus and superluminal velocity in relativistic superluminal model

  6. 广义洛仑兹变换和超光速运动(Ⅱ)&超光速运动的动力学问题

    Generalized Lorentz Translations and Super-light-velocity Motions (ⅱ)─ the Super-light-dynamical Problems

  7. 关于射电源中视超光速运动的一个注

    A note on apparent superluminal motion in radio sources

  8. 射电源04200141334127和2345167中的视超光速运动

    Superluminal Motion In the Radio Sources 0421 - 014 , 1334-127 and 2345 167

  9. 视超光速运动的相对论超光速模型

    A Relativistic Superluminal Model of Apparent Superluminal Motion

  10. 视超光速运动的一个统计检验

    A statistical test of the superluminal motion

  11. 超光速运动和狭义相对论的局限性

    Superluminal Motion and Limitation of Special Relativity

  12. 超光速运动的可能性

    Possibility of Superlight Velocity Motion

  13. 地球空间稳定核素的趋势分析方程与物质的超光速运动规律

    The tendency analytical equations of stable nuclides and the superluminal velocity motion laws of matter in geospace

  14. 视超光速运动与加速模型

    Superluminal Motion and Acceleration Model

  15. 最简单也是最不令人惊奇的解释,是把超光速运动描绘成某种假象。

    The most straightforward and least exotic explanation describes the superlight motion as some sort of illusion .

  16. 其中一个问题涉及光速与超光速运动的困难。

    One of the problems has to do with thespeed of light and the difficulties involved in trying to exceed it .

  17. 本文指出:罗仑兹转换只能描述亚光速运动,因此狭义相对论不能否定超光速运动的可能存在。

    This paper shows that special relativity theory cannot negate that the real motion faster than the speed of light would be existent .

  18. 天体运动中介质的阻力和推力与超光速运动的粒子

    Resisting Force and Pushing Force of Medium in Motions of Celestial Bodies and Particles Moving at a Speed Greater than the Speed of Light

  19. 通过对能量交换方程的深入讨论,给出了粒子超光速运动及量子分形的表述形式。

    By exploring the energy-exchange equation of a particle , the expressional forms of superluminal ( velocity ), fractal motion of a particle and quantum fractal are studied deeply .

  20. 本文表明,如果我们认识到狭义相对论不能排斤超光速运动存在的可能性,并按爱因斯坦的方法重新讨论狭义相对论,一个新的运动学将可建立。

    If the possibility of existence of the super-light-speed is recognized and the special theory of relativity redescribed following the way of Einstein , a new kinematical theory may be found .

  21. 作者比较了这些源在不同历元的结构变化,测量了喷流结构的视超光速运动,研究了新的喷流结构产生与流量爆发的对应关系。

    We com - pared their compact structures on different epochs , measured the superluminal proper motions of their jet components , and studied the relation between the emanation of new jet component and flux flare .

  22. 3C345中视超光速节点运动轨道的数学描述

    A Mathematical Description of the Trajectories of Superluminal Knots in 3C 345

  23. 在太阳旁边出现超光速的天体运动

    A Movement of Super Velocity of Light of a Celestial Body That Appeared Nearby the Sun

  24. 再如,爱因斯坦最不能理解和接受但却真实存在的“量子纠缠”现象,其实正是一种“超距”式的物质超光速运动。

    Be like again , Einstein 's most can understand and accept but real " quantum entanglement " phenomenon , in fact it is a kind of " distance " type of material superluminal movement .