
  • 网络Ultrasonic;MR-HIFU;ultrasound technology;ultrasound
  1. 超临界CO2及超声波技术处理异种骨的初步探索

    Preliminary Exploration of the Use of Supercritical CO_2 Fluid Extraction and Ultrasonic Technologies in Processing Xenogeneic Bone

  2. 本公司的主要产品有:超声波技术防水型LED护栏管、LED数码管、LED数码屏;

    The company 's main products are : ultrasonic technology waterproof LED guardrail tube , LED digital tube , LED digital screen ;

  3. 基于超声波技术的3D定位系统研制

    Research and Development of 3-D Positioning System Based on the Ultrasound Technology

  4. 超声波技术与PTC在椰子油水解反应中的应用研究

    Applications of Ultrasound and PTC in Hydrolysis of Coconut Oil

  5. 超声波技术在纳米TiO2制备和光催化中的应用

    Application of ultrasonic technology in preparation and photocatalysis of nano-TiO_2

  6. 用超声波技术制备的RaneyNi催化剂及其催化加氢活性

    Preparation of Raney Ni by Ultrasonic Wave and Its Catalytic Activity in Benzene Hydrogenation

  7. 超声波技术在ESL奶中的应用

    Application of ultrasonic technology on extended-shelf-life milk

  8. 介绍了国内外有机废水的处理方法,特别是近年来出现的一些新型技术,如高级氧化法、Fenton试剂和生化法联合处理法、超声波技术、电化学催化降解、液膜技术、微波处理技术。

    The methods of treated the organic wastewater inland and outland , especially some new treating such as high-class oxidation , combinational treatment with Fenton reagent and biochemical means , ultrasound technology , catalysis and degradation with electrochemical means , liquid membrane , microwave treatment technology are introduced .

  9. 本研究应用超声波技术从玉米蛋白粉(CGM)中提取zein并脱色。脱色条件是:无水乙醇、液料比为6∶1(mL∶g)、超声时间为50min;

    With ultrasonic technology , the efficiency of decolour and extraction of zein from corn gluten meal ( CGM ) were studied When decolour process is carried out with absolute ethanol , at a ratio of liquid to solid as 6 ∶ 1 ( mL ∶ g ) for 50 ?

  10. 超声波技术源于上世纪初,超声波是指频率高于人耳能听得见的频率范围的声波,一般是指频率在2×104Hz~2×109Hz的声波。

    The ultrasonic technology originated from the beginning of the last century . The ultrasonic wave was a kind of sound wave whose frequency was between 2 × 104Hz and 2 × 109Hz , beyond the range of the frequency that human can hear .

  11. 超声波技术与污水污泥及难降解废水处理

    Application of ultrasonic technique to sewage sludge and refractory wastewater treatment

  12. 超声波技术在大电机绝缘检测中的应用研究

    Study on the Application of Ultrasonic Technique to Stator Insulation Diagnosis

  13. 研究超声波技术改变小麦面筋蛋白的功能特性。

    This paper has introduced extraction and peculiarity of wheat gluten .

  14. 超声波技术在退浆工艺上的应用研究

    Study on the Application of Ultrasonic Technology in the Desizing Process

  15. 超声波技术用于零件表面硬度无损检测的研究

    Research on Non-destructive Detection of Part Surface Hardness with Ultrasonic Technology

  16. 超声波技术在机械工程中的利用现状与最新发展

    Recent developments in utilization techniques of ultrasonic wave in machinery engineering

  17. 微波超声波技术在阻燃剂浸渍处理木材中的应用

    Introducing Microwave and Ultrasonic Technology to Soaking Wood with Fire Retardants

  18. 超声波技术在检测真空系统泄漏中的应用

    Application of ultrasonic technique to leak detection of vacuum system

  19. 超声波技术是根据高频率的声音感应来测量的。

    Ultrasonic technology is based on high-frequency sensors to measure the sound .

  20. 基于超声波技术的纸粗糙度测量的研究

    Research on the Paper Roughness Measurement Based on Airborne Ultrasonic

  21. 超声波技术在绿茶浸提中的应用研究

    Application of Ultrasonic Wave Technology on Extraction of Green Tea

  22. 超声波技术在制盐工业中的应用前景

    The Application Prospect of Ultrasonic Wave Technology in Salt Industry

  23. 超声波技术在直接染料染亚麻纱中的应用

    Applying Ultrasonic Technique to Linen Yarn Dyeing with Direct Dyes

  24. 高频超声波技术在食品工业中的应用及展望

    Application and Prospect of High-frequency Ultrasonic Technique in Food Industry

  25. 超声波技术在药物开发研究中的应用

    Application of Ultrasonic Technology in Development and Research of Medicament

  26. 超声波技术在茶提取液膜浓缩制备中的应用研究

    Application of Ultrasound to Membrane Condensation of Tea Extracts : A Review

  27. 本文介绍了超声波技术的应用现状,说明了课题研究的内容和意义。

    Have explained content and significance that the problem studies .

  28. 超声波技术在苎麻纤维预处理中的应用

    Application of Ultrasonic Technique in The pretreatment of Ramie Fiber

  29. 超声波技术在提升短节检验中的应用

    Application of Ultrasonic Wave for the Inspection of Lifting Subs

  30. 超声波技术在暖通空调领域的应用

    Application of Ultrasonic Technique in HVAC & R Field