
  • 网络super Tuesday;SuperTuesday
  1. 在美国,他们有超级星期二。

    In America , they have Super Tuesday .

  2. 加州、纽约州和伊利诺伊州的选民将在超级星期二投票。

    That California , New York and Illinois are among the states where voters will go to the polls on the so-called Super Tuesday .

  3. 本周超级星期二美国总统参选人初选投票后几天功夫,奥巴马参议员就募集了七百多万美元的竞选捐款。

    Senator Barack Obama has raised more than $ 7 million for his presidential campaign in the hours since the Super Tuesday voting contests this week .

  4. 在全国范围内的关于超级星期二的民意调查即将结束。在这场声势浩大的总统选举中,此次初选在全美近一半的州镇展开。

    Throughout the country , polls will be closing the " Super Tuesday " with primaries and caucuses spread across nearly half the nation in this wide-open presidential campaign .

  5. 竞选活动正迅速向下周的“超级星期二”推进,届时14个州的选民将决定三分之一的代表名额。

    The race now quickly shifts toward next week 's " Super Tuesday , " when voters in 14 states award one third of the total number of presidential delegates .

  6. 但希拉里的助手们表示,真正的焦点将是2月5日,当日包括纽约和加州在内的22个州将进行“超级星期二”初选投票。

    But the real focus , say Clinton aides , will be on February 5 when 22 states , including New York and California , vote in the " tsunami Tuesday " primary .

  7. 2008年2月5日那个超级星期二的初选之后,具有决定性的共和党全国代表大会代表票数统计数字显示,麦凯恩的代表票数比罗姆尼多出一倍多,罗姆尼出局。

    After the February 5 Super Tuesday primaries in 2008 , Mr McCain led Mr Romney by more than 2-1 in the decisive metric of national convention delegates , and Mr Romney dropped out .

  8. 民主党领导层已经施压,要求所有尚未表态的超级党代表在本星期二最后的党内初选结束后,做出选择。

    Party leaders are pressuring all remaining super delegates to make their preference known after the final primaries this Tuesday .