
  • 网络Oversoul;the over-soul;Over Soul
  1. 在一个不根植的状态中,你就不可能从灵魂、超灵和源头来整合新信息。

    In an ungrounded state , it is impossible to integrate new information from one 's soul , oversoul and source .

  2. 我们召唤您回回到您们超灵地点的天圆,正在阂薛,您们赞同去到阿谁身材。

    We are calling you to return to where your oversoul resides , from whence you agreed to come into this body .

  3. 第三章阐述道和超灵对经验世界中人的关照。

    Chapter Three is concerned with man in the empirical world .

  4. 允许你头上的枝叶高高伸展,一直连接到你的超灵。

    Allow the branches above you to rise high unto your over soul .

  5. 存在的根源&道与超灵

    Tao and Over-Soul : Origin of All Things

  6. 第二章探讨道与超灵的形而上追求。

    Chapter Two explores the metaphysical pursuit of " Tao " and " Over-Soul " .

  7. 道、超灵和二重性

    Tao , Over-Soul and Duality

  8. 让我们祝福你的超灵,感谢其在服务你提升的过程中所做的一切。

    Let us bless your over soul for all that it does in service to your ascension .

  9. 有着特地的仄撕媚灵魂个体是超灵的一部门,北京同声传译超灵让每个身材里具有特地职责的本性灵魂。

    Individual souls for a particular lifetime are products of oversouls who individuate each soul for duty in a particular physical body .

  10. 超灵在新英格兰超验论中,代表宇宙中的精神本质或生命力,在这里所有的灵魂都参与进来,从而超越了个人意念的范围。

    In New England transcendentalism , a spiritual essence or vital force in the universe in which all souls participate and that therefore transcends individual consciousness .

  11. 您以一己的外在能量创造了物质世界的整体能量,并在创造了物质世界后以超灵的形式进入其内。

    You create the total energy of the material world by Your external potency , and after creation You enter within the material world as the Supersoul .

  12. 现在让我们允许漩动的金粉色能量充盈灌注你的上半身根植系统,也就是头顶上一直不断连接到你超灵的那串脉轮身上。

    Now let us allow the swirling pink and golden energies to fill your upper body grounding and chakras above the head leading to your over soul .

  13. 爱默生否定上帝,肯定人的神性,强调人的直觉意识,认为它与宇宙中的超灵是一体的。

    Emerson denies God , affirms the divinity of man and stresses that humans intuition is an integral part of the " oversoul " permeating the universe .

  14. 正是直觉体,让我们听到来自我是、超灵、源头及一切万有之神与女神的讯息。

    It is the intuitive body that allows us to hear the messages from our I AM , Oversoul , Source and God Goddess All That Is .

  15. 当一个宇宙被制物众神所创做收狭勘,它是战为人类个体供给灵魂的超灵所开做完秤弈。

    When a universe is being created by a creator God , it is done in cooperation with the oversouls who now supply souls for individual human bodies .

  16. 爱默生的核心思想超灵与道家的最高理念道有许多相似之处。

    As the kernel of his ideas , Ralph Waldo Emerson 's " Over-Soul " theory bore a certain similarity to " Tao ", the supreme notion of Taoism .

  17. 而一旦处于真实的身份中,灵魂就能摆脱物质身体的限制,在超灵的光芒中觉醒并了悟自身的灵性本性。

    Spiritual soul who lives in true identity , however , is freed from that limitation and awakened and realized it 's spiritual nature in the light of the Supreme Soul .

  18. 也正是光体扮演了一个桥梁,让来自你灵魂、超灵和源头的信息来到身体的物质管道和意识之中。

    It is also the light body that acts as a bridge for information from one 's soul , oversoul and source to the physical vessel and consciousness of the form .

  19. 是故,本文将对爱默生的自由这一思想加以讨论,认为自由是爱默生思想体系之中的最终统一的论点,超灵和自立只是爱默生论证其自由这一思想的基础和前提而已。

    The second chapter mainly focuses on Emerson 's idea of freedom , which , according to this thesis , is the final and unifying argument in the system of Emerson 's thinking .

  20. 你也可以查看你是怎样根植到地心极光、怎样连接到你超灵的,以使这些部分以及你能量场的任何其它能量运动都得到更大程度的平衡。

    You can also look at how you ground to the aurora and how you connect to your oversoul , to balance this out to a larger degree , along with any other movement in your field .

  21. 斯坦贝克在该作品中也提出了超灵的概念,并指出人可以通过直觉去感受个体灵魂与超灵进行沟通进而达到个体精神与宇宙精神的统一。

    Steinbeck mentioned the concept of " over-soul " in this work , pointing out that people can feel individual soul with intuition and communicate with " over-soul " so as to accomplish the integration of individual spirit and universal spirit .

  22. 宇宙和人类对于美的共识,给予我生存的意义与希望。爱默生否认上帝,强调人的直觉意识是与宇宙中的超灵合为一体的。

    I find in that affinity a profound source of meaning and hope . Emerson denied the existence of God and valued the intuition endowed to human beings , which was in great harmony with the pervasive Over Soul in the universe .

  23. 此篇论文就用存在主义来分析《黑暗的心》。它主要包括以下几个方面:有限的人类和无情的宇宙;爱默生否认上帝,强调人的直觉意识是与宇宙中的超灵合为一体的。

    This essay mainly centers on these points : limited man and indifferent universe ; Emerson denied the existence of God and valued the intuition endowed to human beings , which was in great harmony with the pervasive Over Soul in the universe .

  24. 引言简单介绍道和超灵两个概念,简述将老子哲学与爱默生思想进行比较研究的理论基础,并提出该论文展开的基本框架。

    The first part briefly introduces the two concepts " Tao " and " Over-Soul ", simply states the theory of making a comparative study on the philosophy of Lao-tzu and the thought of Emerson , and generally offers the framework of the thesis .