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  • atheist
  1. 伦纳德这位坚定的无神论者实在是无法理解。

    Leonard , a confirmed atheist , simply could not understand .

  2. 瓦萨里惊恐地说他若非无神论者,就是不可知论者。

    Vasari claimed with horror that he was , if not an atheist , then an agnostic .

  3. 她本来是个无神论者,可是现在她说自己的信仰改变了。

    She was an atheist but now she says she 's seen the light .

  4. 他被公认是位无神论者。

    He is admittedly an atheist .

  5. 这时的这位无神论者,据他自己说,是惊恐不安,只想能够快点入睡,努力忘掉刚才看到的那一幕,这种惊悚余悸一直持续到他再次入睡。#

    He said he was so freaked out that he just tried to go back to sleep , trying to forget what he had just seen until he finally did fall back asleep . \# p \#

  6. 明尼苏达大学(UniversityofMinnesota)有一项研究的结论如今已出名:在共享有关美国社会的愿景方面,无神论者在美国人心目中的地位低于穆斯林、新移民、同性恋以及其它少数群体。

    A now famous University of Minnesota study concluded that Americans ranked atheists lower than Muslims , recent immigrants , gays and lesbians and other minority groups in sharing their vision of American society .

  7. 你知道,MaryAnn,AtheistDaveSilverman的负责人说,他送给自己的女儿一部圣经,这就是你所说的无神论者。

    You know , Mary Ann , the head of the American Atheist Dave Silverman actually said that he just gave his daughter a Bible and that 's how you make atheists .

  8. 就连他也是非教义的一神论教会(UnitarianChurch)的成员,更喜欢把自己称作非有神论者,而不是无神论者,而且拒绝就本文接受采访。

    Even he is a member of the non-doctrinal Unitarian Church , prefers to refer to himself as non-theist rather than atheist , and refused to be interviewed for this piece .

  9. 美国著名的公开无神论者山姆哈里斯(samharris)总结说,“就从政而言,身为无神论者最糟糕透顶,这会引发陌生人的评判”。

    As leading American public atheist Sam Harris sums it up , being a member of the godless club is " basically the worst thing you can be in terms of having a political life , incurring the judgment of strangers " .

  10. 事实上我深为自己是一个无神论者而自豪。

    I am quite proud to be one , in fact .

  11. 我希望这次偷袭行动中没有该死的无神论者。

    I do not want any damned atheists on this raid .

  12. 熊伯龙是十七世纪我国杰出的无神论者。

    Xiong Bolong was a distinguished atheist of China in17th century .

  13. 到17岁的时候,我已经是一名彻底的无神论者了。

    By the age of seventeen I was a fully-fledged atheist .

  14. 但肯定不行因为我是个无神论者

    But , of course , I cannot because of my atheism

  15. 对无神论者的定义已经是十分清楚的了

    it 's been quite clear what being an atheist means .

  16. 对于教会人士,他是无神论者。

    To the churchmen , he was a godless atheist .

  17. 我们知道有些人是鼎鼎大名的强有力的无神论者。

    There are , as we know , powerful and illustrious atheists .

  18. 在这种情况下,他就跟无神论者没有太大的差别了。

    In that case , he is not far removed from atheism .

  19. 他供认自己是无神论者。

    He avowed himself ( to be ) an atheist .

  20. 新无神论者的成功无疑产生了一定影响。

    The success of the new atheists has certainly had an effect .

  21. 这就是无神论者和人道主义的谎言。

    Well that is the lie of atheism and humanism .

  22. 无神论者和有神论者在该国和睦相处。

    Atheists and theists live together peacefully and amiably in this country .

  23. 我们是无神论者&发生事故时,叫救护车。

    We 're atheist-in case of accident call an ambulance .

  24. 我个人并没有足够的信心成为一个无神论者。

    I don 't personally have enough faith to be an atheist .

  25. 但无神论者倾向于去寻找其它的理由来自相残杀。

    But atheists tend to find other reasons to kill each other .

  26. 无神论者比之魔鬼有过之而无不及。

    An atheist is got one point beyond the devil .

  27. 不要怀疑,虽说他们都是无神论者。

    Dont doubt about this though they state themselves antitheists .

  28. 那他怎会成为无神论者呢?

    Well then , how could he become an atheist ?

  29. 我还得说明,我是一个无神论者。

    I have to tell that I am an atheist .

  30. 情况可能正开始朝着有利于美国无神论者的方向发展。

    Things could be starting to get better for atheists in America .