
wú běn zhī mù
  • be like a tree without roots
无本之木[wú běn zhī mù]
  1. 离开了先进的性别文化,先进文化将无从谈起,反之也一样,离开了先进文化,先进性别文化也将成为无源之水,无本之木。

    Advanced culture is nonsense without advanced sexual culture , conversely is same .

  2. 任何一种社会理想的实现都无法割断传统而成为无本之木。

    Realizing any social ideal , human beings can not sever historical tradition .

  3. 若没有源域和目标域的相似,任何隐喻均是无本之木。

    Without similarity between source domain and target domain there is no metaphor .

  4. 什么城市没有房子,没有水和森林的河流,无本之木?

    What has cities with no houses , rivers without water and forests without trees ?

  5. 如果没有充分的档案开放利用的支持,历史学科就成了无源之水,无本之木。

    History will be water without a source of no support from archives opening use .

  6. 因此,即便是实践中作出类似处理,由于缺乏理论支撑,不得已论为无本之木,无源之水。

    Therefore , even similar treatments exist in practice , it still lacks of theoretical supports .

  7. 如果缺乏强有力的执行效力,政府的公共政策和战略决策只能是无本之木、无源之水。

    Without the strong executive ability , public policies and strategic decision-making will lose the foundation .

  8. 没有政府信息资源的有效释放,经济和社会的信息化也只能是无源之水,无本之木。

    Without the release of government information resources , economic and social informationization are difficult to realize .

  9. 只有地质资料汇交工作顺利开展,才能谈得上为社会服务,没有地质资料汇交,地质资料社会化服务就是无源之水、无本之木。

    Only the collection work of geological data develop smoothly can up to the service for society .

  10. 撇开以制度丶情感做基础的创新是无本之木。

    The management of innovation losing the management of system and emotion must be a tree without roots .

  11. 没有了健康,生命成了无源之水,无本之木。

    Without health , life is like water without a source , or a tree without the root .

  12. 这表明京房的这种思维模式并不是无源之水,无本之木。

    This manifests that his thinking mode isn 't like water without a source , or a tree without roots .

  13. 本章认为苏轼的散文理论不是无源之水,无本之木。

    This chapter thinks that his prose theory is not the water without a source and a tree without roots .

  14. 总之证据是诉讼活动的基础,离开了证据,一切诉讼活动都将成为无本之木、无源之水。

    Anyhow evidence is the lawsuit activity of foundation , leaving evidence ; all legal activities will be too weak , like .

  15. 德育改革从来就不是无源之水、无本之木,它与哲学的联系十分紧密。

    The moral education innovation has never been the water without source or a tree without root , and it is closely connected with philosophy .

  16. 缺失银行文化,银行也就只是无本之木、无源之水,更遑论形成核心竞争力了。

    A bank without culture is just like " trees without roots , water without sources ," do not even thought to mention the core competence .

  17. 行刑活动作为一种实践活动,必须有相应的理论做支撑,否则就是无源之水,无本之木。

    As a practical activity , execution should be supported by corresponding theory , or it will become water without a source , a tree without roots .

  18. 没有了资金,企业的经营发展就变成了无源之水、无本之木,将难以在激烈的市场竞争中生存、发展。

    No capital , the management of the enterprise development became hard to like , non-existent , in the fierce competition in the market survival and development .

  19. 新的思考和研究必须借鉴以往研究的理论资源,否则就成了无源之水,无本之木。

    New thinking must draw on past research for theoretical resources . Otherwise , it would turn out to be water without source , forest without trees .

  20. 这是实施股份回购的第一要件,没有回购资金,任何回购都是无米之炊、无本之木。渔业企业实施股份合作制与公司制改制问题探讨


  21. 我国司法已失去了民众应有的信任和信赖,而失去民众信任的司法无异于无本之木,也将严重制约着我国司法发展的进程。

    Judicial has lost trust and confidence of the public . Judiciary without credibility is like a tree without roots , it will seriously restrict the development of our judicial process .

  22. 理论家们在探索对文学的科学性研究的同时,也使文学批评疏离了现实生活,有着变文学批评为无本之木的危险。

    Apart from the literary exploration in a scientific methodology , a situation is created that literary criticism is disconnected with the social realities on which the literary works are based .

  23. 评价未能摆脱以身体素质、技评达标、技能、技术等单一标准的一刀切模式,新评价内容成为无本之木、无源之水。

    Fail to escape the model which consider the quality in the body , technology assessment standard and skills , technology and other single standard as the only one method . 3 .

  24. 如果脱离了传统,那么现代漆艺就如无本之木、无源之水,是不可能再发展下去的。

    If has been separated from the tradition , then the modern paint skill on like does not have this wood , the water without a source , is impossible to develop again .

  25. 日本经济近代化并非“无本之木”,正是江户时代经济的发展,为日本经济近代化奠定了坚实的基础。

    Modernization of Japanese economy was not " like trees ", because of the economic development of the Edo period , which had laid a solid foundation for the modernization of the Japanese economy .

  26. 其作品就成为无源之水,无本之木,而民族性的特征根源于对民族精神及民族文化的核心表达。

    His work has become a source of water , no trees , and rooted in the characteristics of the national character of the national spirit and the core of the expression of national culture .

  27. 但在这一过程中,人们逐渐认识到,没有合理的国有资产管理体制,微观层面的国有企业改革犹如无本之木,难以实现。

    During this process , people realized that it was almost impossible to transform the outlook of state-own enterprise from the micro-layer of the issue , especially in lack of a rational state-own assets management mechanism .

  28. 即使有了权利,没有自由的支撑,权利也不会牢固和持久,并且,权利会最终丧失,成为无源之水、无本之木。

    Even there are rights , without support of freedom , the right can not be firm and lasting either , and right will be lost finally , like water without a source , a tree without roots .

  29. 艺术家要建立新的艺术表现图式离不开对旧有图式的熟悉和了解,个体的艺术图式创新不可能是无本之木,无源之水,新的写生色彩图式要受到传统写生色彩图式的影响。

    The artist to create a new artistic expressive schema is inseparable from the old schema knowledge and understanding , art innovation agents may not be wood , passive water , the new painting color schema to the influence of traditional painting color schema .

  30. 政治教育是高校德育的重要组成部分,是高校德育的灵魂和统帅,抹杀政治教育的主导和核心作用,德育理论也就成了无源之水、无本之木。

    Political education is the soul and commander of the moral education in colleges and universities . To deny the leading role of the political education , the theories of the moral education would become the water without source , the tree without a rout .